
Saturday 1 October 2022

Goodbye, September

 I'm struggling to come up with post titles now, as lately I've literally just been walking round in circles, watching nature slowly changing colours...  

But here some more photos from the end of September - before I say "Hello, October!" 

The ones with blue sky are from Thursday. A bit of sunshine really works wonders!



  1. Love these photos, my faovurite season - the colours are beautiful.

  2. Gorgeous!!!
    I am not yet finished with posting about September, but October pictures are already lining up on my iphone :-)

  3. Lovely photos. There's still an amazing amount of colour in the trees and shrubs.
    I noticed that the plane trees, on a nearby avenue here, are starting to turn slightly yellow, but they won't be the vivid shade that yours turn - it's unlikely we'll have frost!


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