
Saturday 19 November 2022

That Time of the Year

And suddenly we're past mid November, with only one more week to go to 1st Advent weekend... Looking out of my windows, all the trees are bare now, and it's getting dark early in the afternoon. (Sunset 3:45 pm.) The last few days there have also been chilly winds blowing, with temperatures close to freezing point in the mornings - and not much better during the day either. I'm thankful that I did manage to get my flu vaccination over with on Monday (see previous post) while it was still quite mild, and no wind. Queuing outdoors for 45 minutes later in the week would no doubt have been more of an ordeal!

I was still feeling tired for a couple of days afterwards, though; hard to say if side-effect of the vaccination or just "anyway". (Not exactly ill, just a bit "slow".) But yesterday, I decided it was a good day to change my kitchen curtains - as I always do around this time of year. Other decorations for Advent will wait until next weekend; but I always prefer to get the curtain job over with beforehand, choosing a day when I have the time, and feel up for it.

Today, I woke up to the news on the radio that the east coast of Sweden was having the first snow storm of the year - as much as 30-40 cm in some places.

Which told me it was also time to get on with the final "winter preparations" on my own balcony... So today I've covered my clematis (climbing on a trellis against the wall) with a layer of fibre cloth, and wrapped my strawberry boxes in old newspapers and shoved those under the bench - which was already covered with a plastic tarpaulin for winter. 

Seems I was just in time. Looking out the window tonight, I see we're now having a light snowfall going on here as well... Whether it will remain just light, or turn worse, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

For my own part, there's nowhere special I need to be tomorrow. Might be a good day to just stay in and get started on some Christmas correspondence...


  1. Sounds perfect, one thing about Winter I love is being able to hibernate and find things to do indoors.

    1. Amy, as we only got a very thin layer of snow over night, I did get out on a short walk today as well. In the early afternoon it had melted on most tarmac surfaces.

  2. I've always loved these curtains, they are so cheerful and beautiful. I imagine you need a ladder to do this.

    1. Thanks Ginny. Yes, I need my stepladder for this job... Luckily I have a good one, with a handle on top for support - and no need to climb higher than the 2nd step.

  3. Your gingham kitchen curtains going up are always a sure sign that Advent is near! My Mum and I bought our Advent wreaths yesterday, but mine will remain in the cool cellar until next Friday, and only then I will bring out a few other Advent decorations and dismantle my little autumn display underneath Fred Fox's portrait.
    On yesterday's local news, they said that in the northernmost part of Baden-Württemberg they had their first snow fall. Where I live, at 8C it was still way too warm for that, but I believe we'll get to see our first snow fairly soon - maybe not 30 or 40 cm!

    1. Meike, as it turned out we didn't get more than around 1 cm over night here - just enough to cover the ground. And it's still just above zero, so melting on some surfaces.

  4. How cheerful the curtains will look through the winter.
    This morning is the first time it's felt like what passes for winter here. It was 14ºC when I took the dog for her morning walk, just after 10.00 a.m. There was a cold wind blowing but bright and sunny, with a deep blue sky. We're lucky, it doesn't get dark until around 6 p.m., so enjoy a much longer day than you do much further north. I haven't yet needed to turn the central heating on but when I do, I'll know winter has finally arrived!

    1. Thanks CG. Temperatures are likely to continue to be a bit "up and down" here, they usually are in December.

  5. as I sit here with my flannel gown on, and looking at your cheery curtains i know it is offically winter. of course mine is warmer than yours but still cold for us. today we are dreary all day which is rare for us and I could use cheery red curtains because the sune is behind clouds. hope there is not a lot of snow/ice and enjoy your hibernating today

    1. Sandra, I'm happy I did get the red/white curtains up for this weekend, especially since we now have a thin layer of white on the ground as well.

  6. I love the anticipation for Christmas and the joy that comes with it

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Mersad, I too like the Advent time leading up to Christmas. One never quite knows what mess the weather might cause, though! ;)


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