
Thursday 22 December 2022

Countdown to Christmas


One never knows with winter around here. The past few days we've been back to rain, and all the snow we had earlier in December has thawed away. They say it might get colder again tomorrow, though - in which case we might get a refill of snow for Christmas, but perhaps also difficult icy/snowy roads for those who have to be out and about. For my own part (not needing to go anywhere, and not having guests either), I just say "Que sera, sera" - "What will be, will be"... Had my usual bi-weekly (fortnightly) delivery of groceries today (and nothing essential missing); so am prepared to hibernate for a while if necessary! ;-)

The wall hanging (above) was made by my mother some time back in my childhood, and nowadays (at Christmas) hangs on the door between my living room and study; next to the corner where I'm also in the habit of displaying incoming Christmas cards (below).

Some cards that can stand for themselves have found their place on a nearby shelf instead.

The table runner on this bookshelf in the hall was also made (embroidered) by my mother:


My "forest gnomes" have moved into this corner shelf in the kitchen this week, as usual.

And Santa Claus + family are celebrating Christmas on a wall shelf in my living room. (Another example of my mother's handicraft.)

Back in my childhood, the Christmas tree (back then a full size 'live' tree) was always the final touch to the Christmas decorations, and not taken in until a day or so before Christmas Eve. In my own home (as a grown-up), I've never had a real tree, but this little one is celebrating its 36th Christmas with me. It's still always the last of my Christmas decorations that I put up; and not too long before Christmas. (This year I decorated it on Tuesday, in time for the Winter Solstice on Wednesday.)

I wish everyone a Happy Christmas (but since I'm not going anywhere, there's a good chance I'll be back to repeat that over the weekend...)


  1. What treasures your mom made! She was amazingly talented with needlework. I would buy either of these immediatly if I saw them in a store. It is wonderful that you have them now. I am so glad you showed the forest gnomes; I was going to ask you to post them. The tree is perfect!

    1. Ginny, most of my ornaments end up in "their usual place" for Christmas :)

  2. your tree is beautiful and I really like the star on top. agree with ginny, your mother was a talented person. those santas are adorable. the wreath embrorier is beautiful. you are ready with decorations and food, what could be better

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'm quite happy with a quiet Christmas, surrounded by "memories"... :)

  3. I know I've said it before and will probably say it again: your mother was wonderfully talented and creative. Everything she has made testifies to that, and to her love for her children.
    My (artificial and rather ugly) tree has found its way up from the basement last night after work. I did not think I'd want it last year and then regretted it, now I have it up but, same as you, left it as the last piece of my Christmas decoration and not too long before Christmas Eve.
    All during my childhood and youth, my parents always had a real tree for us. It was brought in on the morning of Christmas Eve and decorated in the afternoon, never earlier. And (I know I have mentioned that before, too) always with real candles!

    1. Meike, I'd be missing my usual Christmas decorations (the little tree included) if I wasn't able to put them up. They're usually more or less the same every year - as even my long-term blog friends probably know by now! ;-)

    2. A lot of what makes Christmas "Christmas" has to do with traditions, isn't it. And just like I love to bring out my same decorations every year and greet them like old friends, I love to see again the ones I have seen on your blog before.

    3. Thanks Meike, and I too feel the same with my blog friends' homes as with friends and relatives whose homes I've visited IRL over the years :-)

  4. Your mother was the most exquisite needlewoman and what wonderful treasures she's left for you to enjoy. You've spent so much time and care on your decorations, they are a pleasure to see..
    It's many years since I've had a "proper" Christmas tree. We gave up when we had three dogs. Each liked to remove, and then try to eat the ornaments, then move on to opening whatever presents we foolishly put under the tree.
    When I was young we always had a real tree which my parents would decorate on Christmas Eve, after I'd gone to bed. Such excitement on Christmas morning to see it decorated and lit with tiny coloured electric lights. As I grew older, my parents still had a tree, but I had the job of decorating it - and worse, taking everything off afterwards and packing it all neatly away for the next year!
    These days I just put out my Ikea Advent lights!

    1. CG, back in my twenties, living up in Värmland, I never had a Christmas tree of my own, as I always went back "home" to spend Christmas at my parents' anyway. Later I found this miniature tree, which came with lights + a dozen baubles. Over the years I've kept adding more ornaments of proportional size (and new lights a few years ago when the old ones gave up). I've never had room for a big tree in the flats where I've lived, but this little one has served me well. In spite of me dressing and undressing it every year, it has lost very few 'needles' over the decades!

  5. I love that you have your mum's wall hanging, so important to hold onto those keepsakes, I still have my nana's 1950s vintage gloves framed on my wall.

    1. You're right Amy, and I think one grows to appreciate those keepsakes even more as the years go by. I have several things my mum made for me in the past. The items showed in this post are some that she made/kept for herself, though, but that I chose to keep when going through things in my parents' house after they both passed away. When I look at these, I also remember where they used to hang/lie/sit in the past.

  6. Your mum was a gifted crafter with her beautiful wall hanging and other creations. You have decorated to create a home glowing with Christmas joy, even a Santa Claus family. Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks Terra. I love putting up my Christmas decorations in December, I find they really brighten up the winter darkness :)


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