
Saturday 31 December 2022

New Year Around the Corner


Some "leftover" hoarfrost photos from my Christmas Eve walk... The weather since then has been very "up-and-down", as in thawing and then freezing again, causing icy streets and roads (with a lot of traffic accidents); then more snow, which soon turned to rain and slush etc once more. So I was only out for very short walks at the beginning of the week, and on Wednesday not at all. On Thursday it was raining heavily all day, washing away the last of the snow. I went out for a short walk to the recycling bins, but did not feel tempted to prolong the walk further. Friday (yesterday), the rain had stopped, though, and the streets were bare, and the temperature as high as +7°C. So I grabbed the opportunity for a "safe" walk into town for a pharmacy errand. (Not urgent, but it served as a goal for my walk.)

As usual the days between Christmas and New Year have also been a bit "jumpy" because of firecrackers going off every now and then, as some people (I assume youngsters) seem unable to wait until the evening of New Year's Eve. (Not allowed, but that doesn't help when they're never caught...) On Thursday (the very rainy day) around 11 am someone also lit a cracker of the "series" kind indoors down in the entrance where I live. I got scared by the noise but didn't see anyone. When I ventured out a bit later I noted that it had left a series of sooty marks on the floor (and a smoky odor). There was nothing really that could catch fire down there; but I reported it by email to the housing company when I got back in - mainly in case there should be more similar incidents. 

Remains to be seen how the actual New Year's Eve celebrations turns out. It's another grey and +7°C day here. For my own part, and for various reasons, I'm not having any New Year party this year either (as was the tradition before the pandemic, with a handful of friends). But I have set aside a new film for myself to watch tonight (Downton Abbey, A New Era)...  

For us all, at the top of my wish-list for 2023: Peace on Earth...



  1. the hoarfrost is so pretty and I am happy to hear you got out even for just a trip to pick up meds.... our fireworks are illegal yet they continue. ours started Christmas eve with an hour of BOOMS like the sound of bombs, for and hour, same on Christmas night. last night of the eve of NY eve, same thing which means to night will be worse. probably silly kids that put off the firecrackers in your foyer. these days those sounds can be scary.... Beau has been with us 2 years and has never cared about the booms but Christmas eve he was uspset and last night really upset, he even put his 81 pound body in my lap and I thought an avalance had hit me. dreading tonight for hims. Happy New year

    1. I hope you got through NY eve okay, Sandra - Beau included. For my own part, the random booms and bangs the days before and after scare me a lot more than the couple of hours of 'legitimate' fireworks around midnight on NY eve - because then I'm mentally prepared for it. I don't know how that works for dogs, though!!

  2. New Year's Eve can actually be scary. With some people up to no good,and doing all kinds of hijinks! But people should not be doing this kind of thing in apartment buildings!

    1. Ginny, I agree... Outdoors is bad enough, indoors it's definitely not allowed. Without witnesses, no chance anyone would get caught, though...

  3. Lovely photos of the leaves covered in hoarfrost.
    I can imagine how scary those fire crackers going off so nearby must have been - I hope they find out who was responsible, though it does sound like children.
    A mild and sunny Christmas here, temperatures in the low 20's during the day, so no need of a heavy coat on the dog walk. A quiet New Year's Eve - Indy (the dog) and I were tucked up in our respective beds just before midnight. Must confess that I'm long past celebrating, and most of my friends feel the same!
    A Happy New Year to you, Monica, and all your followers. Let's hope that 2023 finally brings peace.
    Carol (aka Coppa's Girl)

    1. Thanks Carol. I can't recall a quiet New Year's Eve as long as I've been living in this town (35+ years). Celebrating or not, totally pointless to try going to sleep before 1 am here at New Year...

  4. Beautiful pictures! It is so warm here right now (16 C, and warmer in the afternoon sun) that I have been keeping windows open and wondering what to wear - it does feel weird to be about in half-sleeves in December and January!
    I get mad at all those bangs and booms; a beautiful fireworks display I appreciate, but not those things that just make noise and smoke. Here, the fireworks were more and longer than in previous years. So much for people having no money…

    1. Meike, I can't recall ever having experienced 16C at New Year, even if one never knows whether it will be snowing or raining (or a bit of both). I agree that the bangers and crackers only making noise are the worst. Most of those are also illegal here, but alas some people manage to get hold of them anyway. Here, I think the actual fireworks displays on New Years Eve were about the same as usual, and the majority of them fairly concentrated to around midnight - and not too close to my building. As I remarked to others above, it's primarily unexpected random explosions that make me feel "jumpy"...


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