
Saturday 14 January 2023

It rained and it rained and it rained


It keeps raining here. I went for a wet umbrella-and-backpack walk to the supermarket for a few items today, and stopped on the bridge across the river to take these photos with my mobile. The water level in the river is so high now that the parking lot right next to it on the left is at risk of being flooded. (I've seen that happen before.) 

Usually there is also a dam on the left below the bridge, and a waterfall from the edge of that down to the river on the right... but just now the water level is so high that you can hardly see that.

 I got back home safely without needing to use my umbrella as a boat, though! ;-)


  1. I left a comment but it disappeared!

    1. JC, it didn't end up in my spam, so who knows where in cyberspace it went...

  2. It does look awfully high! I thought you had your groceries delivered?

    1. Ginny, I do my main shopping online every fortnight, but in between I sometimes go myself to buy for example some fresh fruit & veg. (Hard to buy some of those to last two weeks.)

  3. It looks like a day to stay indoors unless you absolutely have to go out. Hope the river doesn't flood. Keep warm and dry.

    1. Carol, this was a day when I did not really "have to" go out, but chose to do so anyway. I try to get out for a walk most days, even if sometimes kept very short.

    2. One advantage of having a dog, I feel guilty if I don't take her out for at Ieast one walk each day. We're just back from this afternoon's walk and it's warm and sunny. 21º earlier this afternoon!

    3. One advantage of NOT having a dog: I don't have to go out if I don't want to... ;-)

  4. Good job your house is not so close to the river as to being easily flooded. I lobe walking by a river but would never chose to live right next to the water.
    It‘s been raining a lot here, too, and high winds are making woodland walks unsafe at the moment. But we did catch a couple of dry hours yesterday for a walk and hope to to the same today.

    1. Meike, I live slightly uphill from the river (10 min walk or so), which feels safe enough from flooding point of view ;-)

  5. ok, mine just did the disapear thing, it is when i hit the space bar and usually only happens when on my chromebook. wish we could figure it out. it happens on any and all blogs. i read your title and laughed out loud, not because its funny you are getting rain, it is just that is happening in CA and will not stop. so glad you could get out without using the brealla for a boat

  6. Sandra, the comment disappearing thing has happened to me too. Sometimes I'm also unable to type anything in the comment box at all. I'm never sure why either. "It rained and it rained and it rained" is actually a quote - the first sentence of the Winnie-the-Pooh chapter in which that illustration belongs ;-)


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