
Friday 6 January 2023



The first week of 2023 has offered very tricky winter weather, causing trouble for both drivers and pedestrians. Snow-rain-slush-ice-snow etc in a never-ending loop... While I normally try to get out daily for at least a short walk, there have been days lately when I've chosen to stay in all day (some days not even venturing out as far as the garbage bins at the corner of the building). Today was one of those days. The photo above was zoomed in from one of my windows at 11:24 am - and HDR-edited a bit to try and bring out the fact that there was a very dense snowfall going on. What's harder to show is that it was also snowing "horizontally" rather than vertically... i.e. combined with very strong winds...

After having kept on snowing all afternoon, it seems to have stopped now, but still no snowplough has been round (in my street, which is a side street). I suppose they've been busy enough on the main roads... Tomorrow it's supposed to turn to rain - which probably means icy slush, and another day of just staying in. 

Although I sigh a little about being snowed in - in the sense of not getting out for my daily exercise - I'm at the same time thankful to be in the fortunate position of not having to go out in weather like this. Since several years I'm in the habit of ordering groceries online with home delivery every fortnight (or so). This week, with Thursday being Twelfth Night, and today, Friday, the "Thirteenth Day of Christmas" and a holiday (Epiphany), I had scheduled my grocery delivery for Wednesday, and got everything then that I need for a week or two. Before New Year I  also stocked up on my usual medicines etc. Moreover: Heating, electricity, water, WiFi, phone, TV, computer etc are all working where I live... And, living in a rented flat, it's also not my job to get rid of the snow outside. So personally, I really haven't got much to make a fuss about!!



  1. I'm glad everything is going well, especially that you have food and power. You captured the snowflakes in mid-air!

  2. You seem to have your life very well organised. Let it snow!

  3. You‘re on Snow Holiday, Monica! Enjoy your cosy flat, books and films.
    Still way too warm here for snow, it‘s supposed to get to about 12 C again this afternoon.

  4. as I read your post i was listing my list of things to fret/whine about if I were snowed in. I am used to running to the mail box in bare feet even in winter. I get housebound if we have drizzling rain, and I don't want to drive in it. snow would shut me down completely.. you are blessed everything is working and no shoveling snow for you.

  5. Oh yes I know those days over Winter when all you can do is hibernate with hot soup and drinks and a good book.

  6. Thanks everyone for your comments. As predicted, the snow was again followed by rain and slush, and today it's almost all gone again. We'll no doubt have more before winter is over, though! ;)


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