
Monday 6 February 2023

A Sunny Day


The "every other day" kind of weather continues. Yesterday (Sunday) it snowed some more, and I did not set foot outside. Today (Monday), the world was still white when I woke up - but to my relief the sun was also shining again. 

The main reason why I felt relieved was that I had spent a week worrying if I should cancel an annual dentist checkup scheduled for today - or not. But my weather app kept insisting that Monday was likely to be the best weather day in the foreseeable future; and so I had decided to keep it. 

Glad I did, as now it's over and done with. I left home a quarter of an hour earlier than I would have done if the ground had been free of snow and ice. That proved a good idea, but got me into town without stress. Had the pleasure of meeting my "old" dentist (who retired a couple of years ago), temporarily filling in for my "new" dentist, who is on maternal leave. And the even greater pleasure of him finding nothing wrong with my teeth. (It was a routine checkup, and I've been feeling okay since I got the last crown fitted back in the autumn.) So in the end I just paid a rather hefty sum of money for a bit of a chat, and having my teeth polished ;-)  As nothing else needed doing, though, there was actually a bit more chatting than usual, both with the dentist and with the nurse. (Chatting at the dentist's usually difficult, as it mostly tends to consist of them asking questions and oneself gurgling something unintelligible in return, with one's mouth numb and full of their instruments and fingers...) 

No teeth removed or replaced on this visit!

My walk there and back was also quite pleasant, even if I had to take it slow (and keep my eyes on the ground a lot). First two photos from crossing the city park on my way into town; the others taken on my way back, then choosing another path along the river.


  1. Congrats on the great checkup! I am familiar with the non-conversations at the dentist's office. Gorgeous reflections!

    1. Thanks Ginny. "Non-conversation" is a good word :)

  2. Sounds like a good day all around - exepct for the hefty sum, maybe.
    Sunday was dismal here. Yesterday was better but I did not have time for a walk. Today, the sun is out but it is VERY cold - still, I plan to leave work early so that I can walk good part of the way home, something I have not done since before Christmas.

    1. Meike, hope you got your chance for a walk and perhaps even a glimpse of the sun! - Dental care does not come cheap, but I'm thankful for good service from one and the same practice for 30 years or so :)

  3. A lovely day for a walk, and even more enjoyable on the way back!
    Your weather today looks similar to ours - yesterday it poured all day, so no dog walks and I donned my raincoat to go out to feed the garden cats. This morning it's 11ºC and forecast to be mostly cloudy, though I think I can see the sun peeking through the gloom in one direction. If I look the other way, it's a vista of dark rain-filled clouds!

    1. Here, back to grey and half-slushy today... The never-ending weather story! ;-)

  4. I am happy to hear you went, you enjoyed talking, no work needed and just look at the stunning photos you got on your walk. the first two are just fantastic...

    1. Thanks Sandra. You know I love reflections, can never resist them... ;-)

  5. It's good you've found a dentist that you're comfortable with because for alot of people its not the nicest experience. But so nice you've got sun on cold winter days, it's that slight warmth that gets you through the season.

  6. Amy, I had the same dentist at a private practice for nearly 30 years. He and his colleague retired and sold the practice a couple of years ago but the team of nurses remained the same and my new dentist is good too. The retired dentist filling in for her while she is on maternity leave is a smooth solution for us old patients who know him since before.


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