
Saturday 4 February 2023

Winter Again

Winter this year seems to be having an identity crisis: It keeps jumping back and forth between grey and rainy - sunny and bare - dramatic snowstorms - sunny and white... 

Thursday: No snow, and the river like a mirror...

Friday: Snowstorm

Yesterday (Friday) we had a proper snowstorm going on. I woke up to a message from my supermarket saying that "if you have ordered a home delivery from us today, you may expect delays due to the weather". However, I turned out to be among the first customers in my "time slot" (10-13), and received my goods shortly after 10 am. (As I live rather close to the supermarket from where I order, I tend to be either at the top or the bottom of the list.) So personally I could just let myself be snowed in for the rest of the day quite comfortably. But messages from the local newspaper kept popping in all day about various kinds of traffic chaos. For at least half the day, all the buses within the city were also cancelled. (What people did who really had to get across town, for work or whatever, I don't know!)

It seems to me that in spite of all our modern technology, we keep getting worse rather than better at dealing with the white stuff inevitably falling from the sky sometimes in winter...


Today, with the sun shining, the snow just lay there, fresh and innocent-looking, like saying: "Really, I don't know what you're all getting so frazzled about..." (Photos from a midday slow walk around the nearby cemetery.)

Afternoon photo from my balcony. According to the weather forecasts, more snow on its way for tomorrow...



  1. Your reflections are gorgeous. As are the snow photos. I love that lone jet trail! We have been alternating between warm and cold as well.

    1. Thanks Ginny. So much more inspiring to snap photos on a sunny day... ;-)

  2. It all looks very beautiful. Much better when you don't have to go out unless you want to.

  3. Love the name Identity Crisis! that is exactly what the weather is doing. maybe even a little physcotic! as in episode! your blog fodder is extraordinary. the reflection of the tall building is my favorite, its different. the snow pics are just beautiful.. glad you got your food.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Back to snowing again today - but just a little, so far.

  4. It's such a luxury being able to order online from the supermarket, we use to do that when we lived up north. We have 2 supermarkets here but only one of them does online shopping and they don't have as much variety as the other one does.

    1. Amy I've been doing this every fortnight for eight years now, ever since they started with home deliveries. Literally a "weight off my shoulders" and I wouldn't know how to cope without this service now. Well worth the extra cost for me as I don't have a car of my own.

  5. Your snow scenes are so pretty and how dramatic a change your first two photos show, in just one day's difference.

    1. Thanks Terra. Today it's snowing again but only a little (so far).

  6. My first thoughts were what a difference a day makes! It all looks so beautiful and pristine in the sunshine. It seems that you were the first person to tread along the path in the cemetery - there's not a footprint in sight.
    Good to know that you had your food delivered. Now you can enjoy the snowy days.

    1. Carol, on this occasion I kept to the bigger paths that had been ploughed.

  7. That last photo is particularly beautiful!
    We‘re supposed to get rain or snow (or a mix) tomorrow, but from Tuesday onwards, three days of sunshine are forecast. I will try and finish work early at least once so that I can get a nice after-work walk in.

  8. Meike, we on the other hand are supposed to get a sunny day tomorrow but then back to more snow. I'm hoping the forecast for tomorrow will turn out true as I have a dentist appointment then!


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