
Sunday 26 March 2023

A Snowy Start to Spring...

... and more updates on the Phone/Computer Situation



Today it was time here in Sweden to change our clocks to 'daylight saving time' - or as we usually call it: "summer time" (sommartid). I still have several that need to be reset manually, and I did that before I went to bed last night. (Probably forgot at least one, because I nearly always do. But if I did, I haven't yet discovered it!) 

When I looked out of my window this morning, the view was far from summer-like, though. It's snowing again! (Still going on when I write this, hours later...)

It's been a strange week, very much dominated by the Phone and Computer Situation.

The Good News is that my SIM card arrived by post on Friday afternoon. Inserted it into the new phone, and abracadabra, my old phone number was back in use - including the account balance attached to it. Not, however, my contacts - so I had to enter those manually. Which made me realise that these days I probably don't actually have a valid phone number for a whole lot of old friends any more - as, like myself, many have chosen these days not to have their number listed as searchable online any more, and FB/Messenger has taken over as the primary way of staying in touch... 

Having my phone number back on my phone also allowed me to re-establish the all-important 'Bank ID' (as mentioned in previous post - almost as essential here these days as having a physical ID card). Phew!

On Friday, "with fingers and toes crossed", I also started the process of moving vs. copying all photos stored on my laptop to an external hard drive. I did have copies of most old stuff before, but still wanted to make sure I got a fresh back-up of everything, as I also needed to permanently delete some stuff from the laptop now. This procedure literally took all day, and I kept checking on the progress frequently, to make sure the laptop did not seem to be getting overheated. It did not, though, and it managed to complete the task without any major problems arising. (Phew!) We're talking of ALL my digital camera photos (going back to my first digital camera from 2006) and also all edited versions + all scanned and 'photo-copied'  and downloaded images (including lots and lots of both new and old postcards + copied old photos from family albums). 

On Saturday, I continued to also transfer/copy Documents, plus all my collected Music and Audio books (other than the Audible ones, which are thankfully safely stored online).

So now, knowing I have a fresh back-up of everything 'personal', I feel I can relax a little about the computer situation. Besides Windows' protests about lack of storage space for important updates earlier in the week, I do also have another "issue" with the laptop though - which means I'd still better start looking into finding a replacement a.s.a.p.

 Yes. It's sort of "coming apart at the seams" (reminding of my old phone after the battery overheated). I did notice some time ago that the 'mouse' part had risen a little - but it still worked then, and I always use the laptop with a separate keyboard + 'roller mouse' anyway...

However, it has got worse; and the 'click' function on the laptop no longer works at all now. So looking into getting a new laptop popped right up to the top of things to do next...There are a lot of things to consider, though, so I don't want to be too hasty about it. (And no need to be, now that I know I have personal files safely backed up.)

Meanwhile, I'm not letting the computer work "unsupervised"; and have also taken the extra precaution of not only turning off the laptop itself when I've finished, but have also added an extra "switch" to the wall socket...


Whereas a mobile phone is usually "on" 24/7, the battery in the laptop really shouldn't have a chance to get overheated all by itself.


  1. I had so much on my old computer that it took over two days to load it all on the new one. I have never seen a touchpad come loose like this!! Things seem to have gone quite smoothly for you, which is kind of unusual with computer things.

    1. Ginny, I'd say one problem is that one tends to keep way too much just because it doesn't seem to take up any space - i.e. until the computer suddenly tells one that it's reaching its limit! And by then it's already way beyond our human capacity to go through it all and decide what can be thrown away! ;)

      This past week has been a lot of headache, if things seems to have gone smoothly I suppose it's a combination of luck and foresight... As in not having been dependent on just one device!

  2. Ooh, snow. No thanks! We have sunshine but a very cold wind blowing today.
    My laptop has started to flicker occasionally. I may have to take it to the laptop doctor for an examination.

    1. JC, always hard to know exactly when to start worrying "seriously", isn't it...

  3. with the way the laptop looks, I am thinking a new one is needed. also I worry about batteries catching fire, so good job on turning it all off . I don't leave things charging at night and also don't leave beau home alone with anything charging. sorry about the snow, lets all sing, let it go, let it go, let it go..

    1. Sandra, I no longer doubt I also need a new laptop... More a question of what I think I want in a new one vs what's available. I'd prefer to buy via local shop if I can. I've started listing some things I want, and loking up some reviews online. When I'm done with that, then comes reality check and compromises... ;-) Maybe I don't need all that I think I need - and maybe I need things I never thought of or even heard of...

  4. It is certainly cold enough here again (2 C as we speak) for anything coming down from the clouds to be in the shape of white flakes - but nothing so far, and it is forecast to warm up by mid-week. Looking at the mid-term forecast, the temperature line is very much a zig-zag.
    Like you, we changed to Sommerzeit yesterday. The only clock needing manual change in my flat is the one at the kitchen stove, and I never changed that one back last autumn, so now it is finally right again :-)
    Glad you have your phone in full working order! As for messenger contacts, I always thought one needs to have a phone number for each contact, too - otherwise how does the messenger "know" them? (With me and most of my close contacts having iphones, I nearly always use imessenger.)

    1. Meike, the Messenger app I'm referring to is the one connected to Facebook and which does not require your phone number, but of course only works online. But most old friends from the past that I've stayed in touch with (more or less) are also using Facebook. As for those I've actually stayed in touch with via phone (and/or phone kind of text messages), their numbers I have. What made me "think" was a lot of landline numbers in my old (paper) addressbook, to people whom I haven't actually spoken to over the phone for years - realising that most of those numbers may not be in use any more...

  5. Yesterday was the first day of Spring for us too. It was a beautiful day and quite warm, but I'm much further south than you are. Today is also sunny but with a bitterly cold wind and forecast is for cooler weather.
    It's always a difficult decision to replace an item that needs a lot of information transferred to the replacement. Something I always dread doing - I'm sure to forget something important.


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