
Friday 10 March 2023

And It Kept Snowing...


Friday morning ~ 11 a.m., after a snowy Thursday and night...

Linking to Weekend Street/Reflections #111 

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It was no exaggeration to say earlier in the week that "winter is back". (Cf my Monday and Wednesday posts.) We've had more snow this week than all winter before!

A massive snowfall combined with strong winds started coming in on Thursday afternoon. It was still snowing when I got up this morning; and no snow ploughs were sighted in the side streets around here until around 10:30 am (when it had stopped snowing).

Lots of traffic chaos reported, and buses and trains cancelled etc. No worries for myself, as I did not have to go out. But difficult for all those who have to go to work... (And not all jobs can be done from home!)

▲ Thursday afternoon ~ 17:45 ▼

Friday morning ~ 08:05▼

In the afternoon,
with the temperature above 0°C, some paths that had been ploughed were almost bare again, and I ventured out on a short walk after all - with my weekly "delivery"  to the recycling bins...

Weather chaos not over yet... More snow may be expected tomorrow, and also next week.



  1. Oh my. Snow may be very pretty but my goodness, it is such a nuisance.

  2. that is a ton of snow. we are seeing photos from California here that they are buried and snowed in where it has never snowed like that before. weather gone wild. stay safe

    1. Doing my best to stay safe, Sandra... Luckily these days I can usually choose for myself when to venture out - or not!

  3. Never ending! It was supposed to snow here today, but did not.

    1. Just now the sun is shining here, but that may change before the day is over.

  4. In Finland we have a lot of snow. With more to come any day now. I don´t like it a bit.

    1. Pisi, the snow has been coming from the west here, so I suppose it's the same weather system continuing east to Finland...

  5. That is so much snow where you live. Here in California we are having heavy rain and flash flood warnings in my area but not near my home. I think this is global cooling going on.

    1. Terra, 'MadSnapper' comments above that she even saw photos of snow from California...

  6. Wow, that is a lot of snow! I know there has also been snow in Yorkshire, not always easy on those narrow, sometimes steep country lanes. Good job you did not need to be out in the heavy snowfall and wind! It must feel extra cosy in your pretty flat right now.

    1. Meike, I can easily imagine lots of snow (and probably combined with strong winds as well) becoming a problem on the roads across the Yorkshire moors...

  7. Just when you hope winter is finally over, it throws an unwelcome surprise! Definitely a day for staying home in the warm, and curling up with a good book!


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