
Sunday 19 March 2023

The Death of a Phone


I've spent this weekend grieving the death of a faithful servant - my Smartphone. It did not have to suffer long, but its last few hours seemed rather a struggle. Or at least they were to me! After having served me well for 8½ years or so, yesterday afternoon it suddenly refused to be woken up from its slumber, and was also obviously suffering from quickly rising temperature. (It was not connected to the charger at the time, so I have no idea what exactly it was struggling with.) I moved it to a safe place (the kitchen sink) and managed a quick operation to remove its SIM card and memory card. A few hours later the phone had cooled down - and when I tried pressing its button one more time it granted me one last "look" - just to inform me that its battery power was now 0%. And then it stopped breathing.,,

I did not dare try resuscitate it again, because in its last struggles with the overheated battery, it's backside seemed to have expanded and almost come loose. 

So: Rest In Peace, old friend.

I then spent the next 24 hours (except a few hours sleep) trying to sort out various problems related to getting a replacement. Like: What do I want? What's available? Where? At what cost? And at how much trouble? (And in between also: Who do I need to inform about the number of the deceased phone being out of order for time being...)

At first the task did not seem impossible, as I had other devices for the internet, and for text messages an even older spare mobile (with a different number, on a different size sim card), and for phone calls also a "landline" phone (via my fiber optics cable). 

The major difficulty arose today when I had got as far as having decided on a replacement - but it turned out impossible for me to order it online, because whatever company and payment method I tried, they required my "mobile bank ID" to confirm. (I don't know if you have the same hassle in other countries.) And my "mobile bank ID" was, of course, on my dead phone...

At long last, I thought to check yet another company. Turned out they did have a few of the desired object in stock locally, and would allow me to pre-order to pick it up myself and pay for it at the store. So a bus trip (+ a bit of walking) "across town" is on my agenda for tomorrow...



  1. Phew! Lucky you - firstly, because your old phone did not blow up or burst into flames on you (how scary that it got hot all on its own and "exoanded"), and secondly, because you found a place where you can pick up the phone and pay directly.
    We have mobile banking, too, but it is not required; you can still pay for a lot of things online without directly using your bank account, but for instance a payment service such as paypal,

    You are like me in keeping your phone for such a long time! Mine is "old", too; it is O.K.'s previous phone and he had it for a few years before he wanted a newer model and I bought his old one off him. Not sure how old it actually is, but the model is no longer available. However, as long as it works (and it does just fine), I shall keep it.

    By the way, did you get my email the other day?

    1. Meike, the use of (and need of!) mobile bank id has escalated rapidly here lately, now it seems there's very little you can do without it! (involving online payments, or contact with authorities such as health care etc) And you don't really get anywhere without a mobile phone number either...

  2. Eight and Half Years out of an android phone, you were lucky the updates must have stopped ages ago. I tend to change mine after three years.

    1. Billy, my phone was working just fine - until its sudden death... ;) I had started thinking about getting a new one though, as I realised I would sooner or later reach the limit of my storage space.

  3. Good grief! so, where will it be buried? There are a few places here that take old and broken tech equipment. Both of our phones stopped working last month, and we both had to get new phones. Got them both free! Phil's was free because of changing over from one company to another. Mine was because the old phone could not support the new 5G connecting speed. Were you able to get a similar one, or will you have to re-learn the entire phone?

    1. Ginny, I haven't really started thinking about funeral arrangements yet... ;-) But noted that the store where I bought my new phone today has a container for "safe" recycling of old appliances. So I might make use of that (unless I find one even closer to home). Just now the priority is to get the new one up and running... Turned out I had to order a new sim card though because the new phone requires an even smaller size card. So before I get that I can't complete the set-up. The new phone is similar only in that is an Android. No doubt lots to re-learn...

  4. Condolences on the death of your phone - console yourself that it had a long, useful and happy life with you.
    Although I've had several over the years, I've never really been "into" mobile or smart phones. When my last but one died on me, I must confess to phoning my computer guru and leaving it to him to decide what was best for me. (There aren't too many "smart" phones around for very unsmart people like me). I mainly use the camera on the one I have now, but still don't use many of the other features it offers. In the past I either didn't keep it by me, or forgot where I put it! It spent much time in the glovebox of the car - just hope it wasn't frightened of the dark. Recently I've had the house security system updated and can now programme the alarm from my phone, something the company insisted on. Now it goes almost everywhere with me!

    1. Carol, at home I tend to use my tablet and laptop more than the phone. When out and about, like you I mostly use it as camera - and I rarely have "mobile data" turned on except briefly if I need to check something. But one is almost required (or at least expected) here these days to have a working smartphone. I'll probably grudgingly have to accept using it for even more things in the future than I have so far. (I don't have any home security system to keep check on, though!)

  5. Your description of the 'phone's death made me smile.
    Good luck with the new one.

    1. Thanks JayCee. I bet I'll need some luck in the process of setting up and getting used to the new one!

  6. I can't wait to see and hear what you got, and YAY for the pickup and hope the weather is good for going cross town... very glad you did not come to harm with it heating up. that is a long time for a smart phone to last. hope this one does the same

    1. Thanks Sandra. Happy to report that at least the pickup went smoothly - including the bus trip, and it wasn't even raining! I've also managed a first start-up of the phone, just to check that it seems to be in working order. I can't quite complete the set-up yet as I need a new sim card (different size than my old phone - ordered, but may take a few days before I get it). All I've done so far is basically to connect it to my Wifi + install Google... Skipped a number of other steps and suggestions during the automatic start-up for now. I've downloaded the complete user manual to my laptop and will read a bit more.

    2. PS. The new phone is a Samsung Galaxy A33 5G. More details when we've got a bit better acquainted... :)

  7. Well I wish you the best of luck. I'd be completely lost without my phone. I do all my banking etc on my phone but I don't have a "mobile bank ID" that I'm aware of in the way that you mention. I'm intrigued.

  8. Graham, I do my "banking" (paying bills etc) on my laptop and luckily there I can also use other methods (devices) of access. It's when ordering from websites that they now frequently require the mobile id, which involves scanning QR codes and having reply codes sent to your mobile and whatnot. Easy enough when one's phone is working - but when it isn't...

  9. I've heard of phones overheating, catching on fire and blowing up but I've never had it happen to me or seen it for myself. Sounds a bit dangerous, it's good you are getting a new one.

    1. Well Amy, at least it did not explode! My brother's phone of the same kind did die a similar death last summer, though. But he had been having battery problems for a while with his before it finally gave up, whereas I had not noticed any "warnings" before this happened to mine.


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