
Monday 13 March 2023

Weather Report and Copper Kettle


My Moomin mug for snowy days

My blog seems to have basically turned into a weather report lately; and I'm afraid I haven't got much else to offer today either. I haven't set foot outside my flat all day. During the night we had more snow falling; but no sooner had the snow plough been round in the morning than it turned to rain instead. Heavy rain is still falling, and strong winds rattling my windows as I write this - but the lawns are still all white. Remains to be seen whether the rain will turn to snow again in the night, or if it will keep on raining.

On a sunny day last week, I noticed the copper kettle in my kitchen window casting a copper-coloured shadow/reflection (not sure what to call it!) on the white window frame, looking almost like fire:

The copper kettle once upon a time belonged either to my grandmother or to her sister; I can't quite remember now. Possibly even to my great-grandmother before them. And by now I've had it for at least 30 years (or more) myself... It's my only copper object.

The Moomin mug is comparatively new. I have nine of those, all different. There are lots of different ones, and they're very popular among collectors. Some are rare, only having been produced in limited editions. I don't think any of mine belong in that category though. I'm also not really "collecting" them - I don't have room for that! So I just have enough to represent a number of different seasons and "moods"... ;-)


  1. I love your Moomin mug! I have a thing for mugs, and collect them. Line them all up and post all of them!! The kettle is lovely, I bet it is worth quite a bit as an antique. Do you ever actually use it?

    1. No, Ginny, I've never actually used that kettle. I don't trust its inside... ;) I don't think it's worth much as an antique either; from what I've seen online there are lots of similar ones around. Its major value to me is that it's a "family heirloom"...

  2. Forgot to say,the copper reflections are gorgeous. Kind of like a copper rainbow. It looks like your window frame is on fire!

  3. I second Ginny - yes, please, show us all your Moomin mugs. You know that Little My is my favourite anyway, but I'd still like to see the others.
    The copper kettle reflection really looks like a rainbow fire!
    It was stormy and rainy here last night, and more is to come today, but it is way too warm for snow. We even had our first thunderstorm of the season - there was one clap of thunder and one lightning.

    1. Well Meike, with two requests I suppose that's a photo/blogging idea for another rainy day... ;-)

  4. Such a beautiful kettle. I would love that on my windowsill.

    1. Thanks JayCee. I like having it on display on mine! :)

  5. Love the teapot, LOVE the shadows and they do look like fire. shadows and reflections make me feel happy when I see them. the mug is really cute. my first hearing of them. I buy mine at thrift stores, the last ones i bought were 50 cents each and 1 dollar each. I don't chang mugs and I buy of each kind so when one breaks i have another just like it.

    1. Thanks Sandra. You're an inspiration yourself when it comes to photos of "perfectly ordinary objects", you know! ;-)

  6. That's the first time I've seen a Moomin mug - I'd like to see the others too, please!
    The reflection from the copper kettle is, as you say, just like fire.

    1. Carol, I've noted the requests for showing more mugs! :)


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