
Tuesday 11 April 2023

The Big Shift


Scilla in the rain

Today it's been raining - which suited me fine, really, as that made it a good day to mostly stay in and devote my attention to The Big Shift... As in disconnecting my old laptop from all its "paraphernalia", and trying to get the new laptop set up the same way.

On the whole it went okay, even if I'm still struggling with optimizing various settings. But at least I've managed to get the computer to recognise its new "workmates": wireless keyboard and mouse, "rollermouse" (= the wrist-support thingy with built-in mouse functions), larger screen, and printer/scanner. I may still have to get used to some things/programs not behaving exactly as they did with the old laptop/Windows 10, though. 

One thing that had me confused today was that I kept getting the wrong "signs" from my keyboard; and Ctrl+ for example made things smaller instead of bigger on the screen, and I also couldn't find the key to reverse that... Enough to drive anyone crazy, right?! But eventually it dawned on me that it might have been caused by switching my prioritised language to English instead of Swedish... I switched back, and to my relief my keyboard changed back to "normal" (Swedish) functions as well. (Phew!)

So... Still a lot of "little things" like that to get my head round... But I'm making progress! :)

I still haven't transferred more than a few test files of various categories to the new machine, though. I'm thinking of leaving quite a lot of my old archives on external drives this time, as I'd like to try to get things organised a bit differently on the new one. I guess I'll keep taking things one step at a time for a while... 

Anyway, it seems I've just produced my first blog post with the new laptop used as "desktop".


  1. Adorable flowers! I've said it before, there is no way we could ever do all this; you are a tech expert.

    1. Ginny, expert I am not, but I have gathered some experience by now, so am not so afraid to experiment a bit.

  2. You must be a very patient person. I would have been saying lots of rude things by now.

    1. JC, I talked a lot to my appliances yesterday, but I tried coaxing rather than yelling at them... 😁

  3. Scilla were my Dad's favourite flowers.
    Well done on the setting up of your new laptop with its work mates, and producing your first blog post from it!

    1. Thanks Meike. It's a challenge but hopefully I'm also learning and maybe even updating my own brain a little in the process...

  4. Well done! You must have the patience of a saint and a good understanding of the technicalities to be able to set that all up. I wouldn't have a clue to even attempt such a feat, and would leave it all to my computer guru. Your screen looks the same size as mine, but my new laptop is languishing in a spare room, unused and unloved!
    Lovely photo of the pretty Scilla.

  5. Well Carol, my motto this time is "I've done it before so it shouldn't be impossible to do it again"... In the past I often had help from my brother (who is a real IT guy). But I can't ask him to travel here all the way from Karlstad every time I'm facing a tech problem...! So high on my priority list nowadays is to go in for physically light equipment that I can handle myself... I can still call him for advice of course. But just now I'm sort of ahead of him for a change. He has not yet updated to Win 11, and we also don't have the same brand of phone any more...

  6. I love the Scilla. I have been an 'Apple' person for well over a decade now and I can't imagine that I would even know where to start with a Windows/Android set-up now.

    1. Graham, I on the other hand have never used an Apple device...

    2. Oops, somehow I managed to reply as my 'alter ego' above (having two different blogging accounts...)

  7. Apple is a different animal completely, i assume the reason I like Windows best is it is all I ever had due to cost. looks like you have it under control. my English is ctr + and ctr - glad you figured yours out. I did the same thing, put all my stuff on external drive and left the new one to start over. I thought i might be more organized but seems this one is getting cluttered and I have very minor organazational skill.

    1. Sandra, English vs Swedish keyboards have basically the same layout, but Swedish has three extra letters that you don't (å,ä,ö) and I guess that affects why some of the "signs" (like + and -) are on different keys too. I can't recall having had a problem with this before, so I suppose I've been able to choose language vs keyboard separately rather than included in the same "package". (Maybe I still can if I explore further. For now I'm just glad to have my keyboard back in sync with what comes out when I write, though!)

  8. Sounds like you did well with the technology, I go and get B if I can't work something out.

    1. Amy, I have no one to just "go and get" - although I do sometimes consult my brother over the phone, and he has helped me with some purchases and installations in the past.


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