
Saturday 13 May 2023

Walking a mile or two, in my new shoe

The summery weather continues, and nature keeps turning greener every day now - and showing off  other colours as well... I know I shared photos of the cherry blossom trees in the park downtown only a couple of days ago, but I could not resist going back again today. I'm still exploring the camera in  my new phone, learning what it can do (and not). 

 I'm far from the only one this week walking around in the park holding up my phone to the trees...

It was also a good day for reflections!



Ooops... In this part of the park things were not what I expected! (Cf. the photo below, from last year.) I think they've got started on one part of a long term project, which is to create a Long Park stretching all the way through the city - basically following the river where that's possible, and some parts of it built on bridges across both river and roads. The idea is that when it's finished, you'll be able to walk or cycle in park environment, away from traffic, for around 5 km (~3 miles). I guess we'll have to hold on to the dream vision while they're still working on it, though...

Photo from 28 May, 2022

 (I wonder where the rabbit went? Down a hole until the project is finished? Or will he turn up somewhere totally different in between?)

I still got a long enough "testrun" (well, walk) for a new pair of shoes I bought at the beginning of the week, though. They have the advantage of an "airy" top for summer weather, but are still proper shoes supporting the whole foot, and with a thick sole made for walking.

Linking to: Weekend Street/Reflections #120


  1. Good choice of shoes - and socks!
    As far as I‘m concerned, you can go back to those beautiful cherry trees every day as long as they are in bloom, and post pictures of them.
    My first thought when looking at the fenced off site was the same as yours - where did the rabbit go?

  2. Oh what gorgeous photos! Especially the first three, which are my favorite. Walking paths are so popular right now. We have a large one here, and they are building another which goes through an entire section of town.

  3. Oh. My. Goodness. What glorious colours. You live in a beautiful town.

  4. The reflections on the water and the pink blossoms on the trees make me say Wow. Your new walking shoes seem to have passed your test walk, I like comfy shoes too, with thick cushioned soles. That big bunny is adorable, I hope he has a new home.

  5. I like the bunny shot the best. Hope it´ll comes back soon.

  6. Thanks everyone for your comments! :)

  7. it is hard for me to find walking shoes that i can wear, these are perfect for what i need. i don't have anywhere to walk that has this many gorgeous flowers or stunning reflections. your town is so very beautiful year round, but I do think
    spring has won the Best in Show this year

    1. Thanks Sandra. Spring always seems like a miracle here after a long colourless winter... :)

  8. What stunning photos - everywhere looks so bright and cheerful. The blossom is beautiful - it's sad that it doesn't last long.
    Pleased to know that you've found some decent walking shoes. They aren't Schekers (not sure about the spelling) are they? I'd like to buy a pair but haven't seen a style I like, or if I find one they don't have my size! With a new dog, I want to take advantage of her willingness to walk longer distances and comfy shoes are a must!
    Love the bunny too!

    1. Carol, the brand of the shoes is "Ara". Rather expensive but I found these on sale at half price, so a good bargain...

  9. Beautiful scenes and reflections.


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