
Thursday 29 June 2023

Nothing New Under the Sun

My days (and nights) this week have still felt very much focused just on keeping doors and windows open or shut, balcony parasols up or down, various fans around the flat on or off, and myself in or out, active or passive, depending on 1/ the sun and heat, 2/ the possiblity of rain, and 3/ a neighbour's screeching bird, barking dog + loud phone conversations in some foreign language (on the balcony)... And someone - possibly not the same neighbour but another one also has a squeaky balcony door...

These words from the book of Ecclesiastes keep coming to mind:

The sun rises and the sun sets,
    and hurries back to where it rises.
The wind blows to the south
    and turns to the north;
round and round it goes,
    ever returning on its course.
All streams flow into the sea,
    yet the sea is never full.
To the place the streams come from,
    there they return again.
What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun.

(from Ecclesiastes chapter 1 - New International Version)

I think it was on Monday we had warnings of thunder, hard winds and torrential rain. Not very much came of it, though. There were indeed one or two very strong gusts of wind in the afternoon - which made me haste to take in my outdoor flowering plants from the balcony over night. No thunder, though (that I heard), and the rain that followed was gentle, fell straight down, and soon evaporated again after hitting the ground.

Tuesday was Too Hot again, but also offered another light shower or two. I can't recall the details - it was also One Of Those Days (described above). I think that's when I took the photo of the leaf with the raindrops, though. (Which indicates that I must have gone out at some point. I think probably towards evening, after the rain...)

Just now, trying to check up on photo details, I accidentally managed to do THIS on my phone (just by pressing my finger on the photo):

(Okay. Maybe that counts as "something new"...??)

Where was I?!  Wednesday (yesterday) was sunny and too hot again, but I managed to get out for a short walk before noon. The afternoon was Laundry Day, but in between it was mostly quiet, so not too bad from that respect...

Today I woke up to overcast sky and lower temperatures, and was able to go for a refreshing rainy walk in the late morning, to the supermarket + pharmacy for a few things. Actually quite a lovely experience! Again it was the gentle kind of rain, and a rain jacket + umbrella was enough protection. (I also had to change my trousers when I got back in, but never mind. It was worth it!!)

All in all I've been staring at the TV quite a lot, but without much recollection of what I've been watching. I'm re-watching the classic series Friends on one of my cable channels in the evenings,though (two episodes per night) - that's about the right level for me at the moment, not requiring any effort to keep up with. Even on Kindle and Audio I've mostly been "re-reading" books too, rather than trying to get into something new.


  1. Beautiful photos. It has cooled down here now, thankfully, but I have been staying indoors as the pollen count is still quite high. Sneezing fits wake me around 5 a.m. each morning once my medication has worn off. I can't wait for tomorrow's rain to wash it all away.

    1. Sorry your allergy has been so bad JC. I think I may have had less problems than usual with my grass allergy because of the drought. I also bought an air purifier for my bedroom back in May which I keep going all night and that seems to have helped my asthma a lot.

  2. WHen we first got Netflix I tried watching friends but just couldn't get into it, it's so very 90s. I'm sure your plants and garden appreciated the rain.

    1. Amy, I watched the series when it was new (and later as well as it's almost constantly been running on some channel) so for me now it's just relaxing since it's familiar and a bit nostalgic.

  3. That bit of Ecclesiastes is still so true, many centuries after it was written.
    A little cooler here this week, and a few drops of rain this morning - not enough to make a difference, but there could be more in the course of the day.
    What you have discovered about photos on your phone I have found out, too, quite by chance. It is a nice feature, although I don't "do" much with it.
    Your flowers are so pretty!
    As for "Friends", I did watch it occasionally when it was new, but never got into it as much as to really following. Do you know the series "Morden i Sandhamn"? It is a German-Swedish-Norwegian production, and quite popular here. I watched some episodes a few years ago and have just started to watch from the beginning again, as I found it available for streaming on one of the two German national channels.

    1. Meike, I don't think I've ever actually watched "Morden i Sandhamn" although the title does ring familiar to me. Checking now I was surprised to see there are as many as 9 seasons of it. Only the last two currently available for streaming on a channel available for me though. Might check it out? but have to "confess" that on TV I often prefer other kinds of series to crime... (And especially at night, which is when they're usually originally broadcasted.)

  4. How effective the photos of the leaf and flowers become just at the touch of the image on the screen.
    Mixed weather today, after a couple of really hot days, though thankfully it clouds over in the evening and there's a refreshing cool breeze. It looked like rain first thing this morning which is typical - the builders start work on some long over-due (pre second wave of covid) work rebuilding a couple of collapsed flower bed walls and sundry other things that need renewing.

    1. Carol, here it seems the heatwave may have properly broken now as lower temps and daily showers are now predicted for a week or so onward. Just now I welcome that. Remains to be seen how long before I start complaining of too much of it!! ;)

  5. Bob and I were just discussing the nothing new under the sun yesterday. he was talking about things people INVENT, it is the same just different. one of my favorite scriptures. the whole book of Ecclesiastes is a favorite. so glad you got to get out in the gentle rain, and what a fun accident on your phone. you know how much I like doing that type of thing. one of my addictions. nothing can be done about neighbors, we both know that. I am happy to say, for the past 5 days i have walked without seeing any dogs off leash on our morning walk. it seemed for 2 weeks it was something new each day.

  6. Sandra, I thought of you when that "happened" with the photos... Some time I must investigate further what I can do with it...


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