
Saturday 3 June 2023


We've had another sunny week, but a bit chillier again - especially at night. For my own part, that's what I prefer, though - because then it doesn't get too hot indoors! ... 

Lower temperature also means that the beauty of all the flowering trees and bushes outdoors last longer. For example, the azaleas in the cemetery are still in their prime, as well as now also the rhododendrons.

Purple rhododendron to the left; azalea to the right.


And these gorgeous pink ones I see every time I go out or come home... :-)


  1. They are fabulous! We seem to have skipped late spring and have moved instantly to summer here. This weekend we are to expect highs of 28 C - no wonder there is hardly any reminder of spring left. But it still cools off enough over night to allow for good sleep, and to want a cardigan or even a proper jacket when leaving the house in the morning.

    1. Meike, heat like that exhausts me, so I'm happier when it stays a bit cooler in the daytime as well - but not much one can do about it, is there ;-) (Just try to adjust the best one can...)

  2. It seems that some of my comments have been disappearing into the ether so I hope this one gets through.
    Those are lovely photos of such beautiful blooms.
    We have temperatures in the low 20s C here which is just right for me. Although the evenings are cooler our house retains the heat so the bedroom is a little too warm for comfort.

    1. Sorry about you disappearing comments, JayCee. I checked back in the comments section of my own blog to see if I had missed any recent comments from you that had been auto-marked as spam, but could not find any evidence of that. The Ether is a mysterious space though, I agree...

  3. I like it cooler at night also. we are ok right now, but really hot days, 2 or 3 more weeks and I will start to whine about the heat..

    1. Sandra, at some point during the summer I'll no doubt be whining too.

  4. Wow, your closeups of the blossoms are stunning. Especially the large purple one!

    1. Ginny, however many photos like that I may have taken over the past couple of decades (bought my first digital camera in 2006...) I'm still finding it hard to resist taking more... ;-)

  5. Those are superb - it's almost as though you live in a tropical climate - they look almost exotic.
    It's finally warming up here and currently 21ยบ and sunny. By late afternoon it will be high 20's and I'll be lowering the blinds to keep the sun out. Fortunately we haven't had the searing heat that they've been experiencing for some time further south. Not that we would complain, the cooler weather was so pleasant, but maybe not to the liking of holidaymakers.

    1. So whereabouts do you live, Carol? My own experience of Spain is limited (Sitges/Barcelona once way back in childhood) but I watch a lot of TV shows with Brits seeking "a place in the sun"... ;-)

    2. I live in the foothills behind Calpe on the Costa Blanca, more or less midway between Alicante and Valencia

    3. Thanks - looked it up on the map :)

  6. Oh yes Rhododendrons are alot of fun and so pretty over late Summer/early Spring. I'm tempted to buy some to plant alot my fence line.


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