
Sunday 2 July 2023

Hello July


Third day in a row of cooler temperatures and rain (showers). I've been having a very "tired" weekend (sleeping and resting a lot), but I think that's mostly still a reaction to the long hot period that went before - and now enjoying the relative silence of mostly closed doors and windows again!

On my walk yesterday, I was trying to "spy with my little eye" things that my phone gallery app in turn might find worthy of "clipping"...

Please "bear with me" - it's probably just a phase I'm going through!!!  ;-)



  1. Having been the MadSnapper since 2009, and now an addiction to cut and paste by app and software, I fully understand the cutting out. when I first found ways to cut out i was constanly popping them into other photos. wait til you figur out how to put the cut out in a photo. woo hoo

    1. Sandra I suspect I may need a separate app for that...

  2. What a super choice, Monica! Do you know what the flowers are? I love the wavy lines on the top part of the gate, it kind of softens the design. I would be scared to go out on one of those balconies, even though they look solidly attached!

    1. Ginny I just learned that the purple flower with the big leaves is called hosta. Also discovered recently that in the photo gallery on the phone I can just press a little "eye" and it finds similar internet photos for me, some of them with the name included. Almost TOO easy...!

  3. Greetings Dawn and thank you so much for visiting me. I have enjoyed my visit with you, a lovely blog! I enjoy using my apps too, always a lot of fun to see what we can do with our photos. I hope you had a lovely weekend and I wish you a very happy week ahead.

    1. Thanks for returning the visit Denise, and the same to you!

  4. I know what you mean about the tiredness after a period of heat and noise preventing proper sleep. It is so frustrating when one finally manages to get to sleep only an hour or so before it is time to get up for work.

    1. Meike, the advantage I have is that I don't have to get up for work... It's still frustrating though! 😴

  5. Heat is exhausting, especially if you are used to a cooler climate. It's exhausting here too, so the only solution is to stay indoors or seek the shade. The other day I read a suggestion that humans should use cool mats, designed for dogs, on their beds at night. Apparently they work very well and are especially useful if you don't have air-con. The largest size works best.

    1. Carol, I've never heard about cool mats for dogs. (Perhaps because I never had a dog...) I might check it up if another heat wave hits us. Just now no need, as the past few days we've had outdoors temperatures well under 20°C and more rain than sun...


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