
Monday 17 July 2023

Sleeping Through the Thunderstorm


Last night after I went to bed (late, I think after 11 pm) I could hear a thunderstorm going on. I did not get up to look, and the blackout curtains were drawn in my bedroom, so I don't know if there was also lightning to be seen. (The images above are courtesy of Bing Image Creator...)

Not sure when I fell asleep, but I know I woke up and went to the bathroom around 2:30 am. Usually (and especially in summer) I wake up several times during the night - but this morning when I woke and looked at the alarm clock beside my bed (no alarm was set) I was astonished to see that I had slept through until as late as 10:30 am! And I could not recall having been up again after 2:30. If not, that must be the first time in "ages" that I slept a solid eight hours in a row like that (plus probably a couple of hours before 2:30 as well).

July has continued to be rainy and with much cooler temperatures than June. I haven't been out on any great adventures; but the rain has come mostly in showers, so I've usually managed to get out for at least a short walk every day. Apart from a bit of thunder, the whole past weekend was also blissfully quiet. My noisy neighbour must have gone on holiday and taken her screeching bird with her... (I asked Big for illustrations, but I fear I might get sued for defamation if I made those public.) 

Yesterday afternoon, I also fell asleep for a while in my chair, watching TV. I suppose I'm just making up for sleep deprivation earlier during the summer... 

Bing: "Woman enjoying a quiet weekend at home, Carl Larsson style" (The only acceptable image out of eight, and even here the AI is still having problems with details like hands and feet and whatnot... She also looks more tired than enjoying herself; but I can accept that, as it happened to rather fit my own mood...)



  1. This woman does look tired. with your noisy neighbors gone, you are finally getting good constant sleep. Spectacular A.I. lightening!

    1. Ginny, maybe I should get a thunder noise app to sleep to? ;)

  2. That woman looks tired. How amazing to sleep in so late, that was a restorative sleep session for you.

  3. So good to get a decent night's sleep without waking up, love a good thunder storm

    1. It really was, Amy. Thunder can be frightening when too close, but that night I think I was too tired to bother...

  4. Carl Larsson would definitely NOT be happy about this! :-D
    I can not remember when I last managed so many hours of uninterrupted sleep, but boy do I need it. Who knows - my upcoming Yorkshire holiday might help.

    1. Meike, the only thing that makes it acceptable as "CL style" is really the attempt at pelargoniums in the window... And to some degree the colour scheme. ;-)

  5. bing does have issues, lots of them, the woman has a window with flowers like yours. the lighning you showed is what we had for an hour this am and it is coming again. we got five minutes of rain with the light show. now my problem is bing will not let me make any more. it just says page not found. maybe i used up freebies, but it doesnt say that. sounds like you needed that sleep. yay

    1. Sandra, if it says 'page not found' that sounds more like a temporary issue to me? Mine is showing up as before and it just says if one runs out of "boosts" (I haven't yet) one just has to wait longer for images to be created? (I've not really played with it all that much yet though and my "boosts" number seems to remain pretty constant...)


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