
Monday 10 July 2023

Unter den Linden, Part 2

The other day on Facebook I came across an "infinite zoom art" video. Have you ever seen one of those?

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a YouTube link to another one: 

There are also plenty of more examples on YouTube, including instructions how to do it - using certain apps. 

I've not tried that, and am not sure I ever will - but I sort of still had that "wow factor" at the back of my mind when I went out for a walk yesterday, looking for more linden trees in my neighbourhood... I.e. how we see different things when we look at something from a distance, vs when we go up close...

If I walk in the opposite direction compared to when I go into town, I come to this park down by the river. There are some huge old linden trees there, too (cf my previous post). 


Standing under that tree, looking up...


My phone camera not the best for zoom photography, but you probably get my point about how we see things differently depending on where we stand, and if we're looking at something from a distance, or up close...



  1. I checked out the link. I've seen that before but no way i could do it myself, very clever though.

  2. Very clever. I have been looking at these short snips of videos that show the micro world. It's fascinating!


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