
Wednesday 2 August 2023

Hello August

This afternoon was more pleasant outside than I expected. I had only intended a short walk but found myself continuing all the way into the town centre and park.

Part of the flower arrangements on one of the bridges. 
Sweet peas in bloom now on the trellises.

A flowerbed in the main square.

A sculpture standing outside one of the major hotels in the city centre. The name of the artist is Lars-Åke Åberg (click on the link to see more of his stone sculptures). This is not a new sculpture and I've probably shown it before, but I think not recently. The collage shows it from opposite sides.

The new stairs in the park have been finished. (I think I showed them under construction earlier in the summer.) I walked up them today (around 30 steps) and found them quite well "balanced" - or whatever the correct terminology to do with stairs may be. (Feeling less steep than they may look.) 

Looking down on plantations on the hillside from the top of those stairs.

The new stairs connect the bridge down below with an older set of stairs leading up to the very top of the park (where there is a miniature golf course, but I did not go all the way up there today).


Finishing off with a photo of this construction, which is growing (literally!) increasingly effective in hiding a rather hideous piece of machinery inside (belonging to the indoor swimming hall nearby, I think).



  1. The new steps look invitingly shallow! Also, I have never seen Sweet Peas in different colors, they are so pretty.

    1. Ginny, those sweet peas that I recall were different colours, but paler than these.

  2. Sweet peas - so lovely and summerly!
    It‘s nice to see positive changes, such as the new steps and the machinery being overgrown. You did well in taking advantage of the good weather.

    1. Meike, with those steps finished now I think them a better idea than when I first saw them digging the big hole in the hill for them... ;)

  3. I think sweet peas are so dear with their beautiful colors and scent. You had ideal temperature for your walk in such attractive city surroundings and I like how the plants are trained to cover the ugly machinery.

    1. Terra, yes, it turned out quite a nice afternoon for a walk - and for photos!

  4. That must have been a most enjoyable walk, and lovely to be surrounded by so many colourful flowers.

    1. Carol, yes - flowers are always a joy to the eye! :)

  5. the sweet peas on trellis are gorgeous. i love the look of the old stairs better than the new but am sure the new are easier to climb. but i would need a hand rail. not sure i could go up or down steps without one. that view from the top is beautiful.. the stone is not to my taste but i still like it

    1. Sandra, I'd prefer a hand rail as well. Maybe there will be one - I'm not sure they're "all done" yet...

  6. Well that was a refreshing start to my catch-up session. I thought that the stairs looked rather 'shallow' but it may be an optical illusion. I find shallow steps a bit difficult to get a rhythm on. They are certainly making a good effort to hide the machinery.

    1. Thanks for catching up, Graham :) I can't recall finding the steps too shallow - but then I don't have very big feet... (I might give it some thought next time I try them - if I remember!)


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