
Thursday 24 August 2023

Late Summer Day by the Lake

As far as the weather is concerned, August has continued much as it began, i.e. rather rainy - or at least threating us with showers most days; even if there has also been an occasional sunny day here and there in between. 

One of those sunny days occurred today; and with no rain showers forecast for the afternoon, I decided to take a bus across town to the beach by the lake there. There really hasn't been any good opportunity for me to do that this summer, until now: June was too hot for me, and July too rainy.

Perhaps I should add that I'm not really a "beach person" as in loving sunbathing and being in the water... When I go out to the lake, it's for a change of views, and some different paths to walk.

Schools started again here after the summer holidays, last week or so; and when I arrived it was obvious that there had been some school sports day going on there today. A whole school class of teenagers were waiting to go back to town on the bus that I came there by; and others were still gathered out on the lawn. But they too were breaking up, and were soon wandering off in another direction. (So I'm guessing they came from different schools.)

I was only there for an hour (went back by the next bus) but it was still a change from my usual neighbourhood walks.

On arrival, I started by buying an ice cream at the café (still open, but will be closing for the season at the end of August), and then I went out on the woodland peninsula.


The white balls out in the water are marking a new "waterway" that they've recently prepared along the shore there for people (so inclined) to go snorkling there and discover life under the surface... (No one doing so while I was there, though - that I could see.)

Zooming in part of the mainland from the other side of the peninsula. Some lucky people must have lovely sea view from their own house!

Back on the mainland, and crossing a bridge over the river, I spotted a canoe going out into the lake.

There is a little marina in the river for people who own cottages and allotments nearby.

Young gulls had taken over this sandy beach area, but flew away when I approached...


This old boat is "parked" on one side of the bay (across from the peninsula, to the right). If it's used at all these days I think it's only for private parties. I did not go up close to it this time, just zoomed it in from a bit of a distance. (It's name is "Svanen" = The Swan)


Old barn across the road from the bus stop. (I think it's home to some business nowadays.)


  1. I am not a beach person either. I should correct that, I love the beach in the Fall and Winter when it’s not crowded, where I can sit and look out at the ocean, and explore what the beach has to offer in the way of natural beauty, critters and things :) This is a beautiful area where you walked, lots of super scenery, and I would like to take a ride on the Svanen :), a very pretty boat, as is the old barn. Thank you for sharing them all!

    1. Denise, I know what you mean. My parents (in their senior years) (and before them, my p. grandparents) used to live at the other end of this lake. I preferred walking along the beach when there weren't a lot of other people around :)

  2. Replies
    1. Ginny, I prefer looking at boats rather than being out in them, so I'm content that it's still there just to look at...

  3. It is an idyllic place, and I am glad you had the opportunity to go. Beautiful houses - I wouldn't mind living there, but I assume one depends on a car as it looks a little remote (regarding shops, bakery and so on).

    1. Meike, you're right about that, of course. No shops etc within walking distance.

  4. my favorite view is your view of the zoomed in mainland. awesome shot of those homes where the lucky people have this view. good idea to spend and hour in peaceful surroundings and beautiful sunshine. glad the weather cooperated with your desires.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Today we're back to rain again, so feels like I did the "right thing" in going out there yesterday.

  5. Carol, lots of "crossroads" when one looks back on life - and no return, nor any real answers to our "what ifs"... Happy memories is something to be grateful for, though!

  6. A 'beach person' is an interesting concept. I love walking along beaches in especially in the Scottish Highlands and Islands. However the idea of sitting on a sandy beach sunbathing is completely beyond my comprehension. As always it's good to see your photos and country. I like the boat but I'm not sure I'd want to sail in her.

    1. Graham, I'm not sure there is a word for it in Swedish either 😉 But you seem to have got my meaning. We don't have many such long beaches here as your island ones, and on sunny summer days in the holiday season ours do tend to get crowded with 'sunbathers' spending hours there.


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