
Sunday 24 September 2023

May vs. September

There are some "crab apple" trees growing along the street where I live. I think the one in the photo above (from May) is the same one as in the photo below, snapped on the one sunny day this week (Thursday):

Below is another crab apple tree in the neighbourhood; those photos taken after a rainstorm at the beginning of the month, which made a lot of the fruit fall to the ground all at once:

“Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples,
don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious.”
― Bill Meyer


  1. Your photos are an analogy for life - no more the blossom of spring for those of us of my advancing years - but we have the wonderful hues of the autumn leaves to enjoy.

    I love the quote. I shall use it.

    1. Thanks Graham. Also heard someone say recently (I think on a TV show) "Everyone gets to be young but not everyone gets to be old..." I guess we just have to keep trying to see the advantages of each season!

  2. the thing is the first tree looks beautiful with flowers, smaller flowers and no flowers. beautiful. looks like you are having perfect weather now for getting outside

    1. Sandra, this week has been very mixed. Rain more on than off, except Thursday which was sunny and summery; yesterday thunder and showers again, today cooler and semi-cloudy...

  3. We have quite a few around here. I think they are among the most beautiful of trees.

  4. Beautiful pictures, and like Graham says, an analogy of life.
    I so enjoy this time of year, and have just yesterday been revisiting a favourite place that looks beautiful in all seasons.

  5. The first photo is a promise of summer ahead and the second a sad reminder that winter is ahead.

  6. beautiful, they are blooming here as it's Spring.

  7. Interesting perspective on spring and autumn, two ends of the spectrum.


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