
Monday 2 October 2023

Blogger Commenting Issues

It's been driving me half crazy lately that I've not been able to figure out why it's become increasingly difficult, and lately even downright impossible for me to log in to comment on certain Blogger blogs - while on others I've either had less problems, or none at all. 

The variations of the problem I've experienced from one blog to another still puzzle me; but it seems I may now have found a remedy: After a bit of googling this evening, I came across the tip that the problem may be in the "cookies" settings of one's browser. This made me think, as I'm in the habit of using different browsers for my two blogs that I have on different Google accounts (to avoid having to log in and out all the time). And from my other blog (Greetings from the Past, see link in the sidebar) I can't recall having had the same problem.

For this blog my standard browser is Firefox; so I went to to my Firefox settings, typed "cookies" in the search box, and found that I had the settings marked in blue below - but that there were other options that I could try.

I started by changing my setting to just:


... and that actually seems to have been enough to get me back to "logged in" status in the comment section on some blogs where I've recently been having problems.

I'm sharing this here partly for my own memory; but also hoping it might help others who have been experiencing the same (or similar) issues.

AI created image for "tracking cookies" (LOL)


  1. I had to wait five minutes to be able to type because when I saw the tracker cookies i was laughing hard i had to catch my breath. i am having similar problems, 2 of them EDGE was the problem, and if i went to Chrome it worked. but i can't figure out the same problem when i use i phone to comment. some i can comment some i can't, that google sign in thing comes up. thanks for the tip and the laughs. can't wait for Ginny to see this

    1. Sandra, I still have ??? about why it is not the same on every blogspot blog, and I've also not yet really checked if the fix I did on Ffx on my laptop also syncs with the apps on my phone or tablet... I guess I'll find out sooner or later! ;-)

  2. I used to have Firefox, and had lots of trouble with it. The computer people had to come over and they said it has a lot of defects in it and not to use it. I have Chrome and Edge now.

    1. Ginny, I've used Firefox through many years and can't say I've had any other major issues with it (that I'm aware of!) The problem with all browsers I think is that sometimes they update and change things and one is not really aware of how they work. I for one don't have a clue what those cookie settings mean, or which would best for me - I just applied a "trial and error" guess now to check if that made a difference to the problem I was having...

  3. The tracking cookies are hilarious! They are very important to keep track of!

    1. Ginny, I'm a bit worried now that those tracking devices are also counting how many cookies I EAT... LOL

  4. The photo made me laugh too and it's amazing how lifelike AI can be. The spoon (I assume that's what it is) is wrong but the cookies look delicious!

    1. Carol, I noticed the weird spoon, too. This was the best out of four rather similar suggestions that AI gave me, though! (all involving cookies on a plate..)

  5. I haven't had any issues commenting per se but I have had issues with others commenting on my blog, seems that blogger picks certain people and decides to mark them as spam so I have to regularly tick the comments so they show up.

  6. Amy, that has happened to me too, but only occasionally. That I suppose must be a Blogger issue though, rather than to do with browsers (?)

  7. Those cookies - minus the tracking devices - look quite tasty! I have just had my mid-afternoon coffee and would have liked something like that to go with it.
    Firefox is actually quite good in terms of privacy and security. But that's what makes it be at odds with many google products - including blogger. As we all know (I suppose), the company (or companies) behind google are not exactly heros of privacy - personal (and other) data is their business, after all.

    1. Meike, I can only agree with that analysis, and of course both companies are being "helpful" in their own way... It just seems to be getting more and more complicated for the average user to keep up with all the details, choices and consequences, though!

  8. I've had similar problems commenting on some blogs, not all. The problem is too complicated for me to remedy. I've followed your suggestion. Hopefully it will work for me, too. Thanks.

    1. I hope so too, Pauline. If it doesn't solve every problem, perhaps it will at least sort out some?

  9. I just use Google Chrome for my Blog so just have to put up with the Google disadvantages. I just don't worry about them. Everything else I do on other browsers.

    1. Graham, the "fix" above seems have worked for me in Firefox, so for now it seems I can continue to do things the way I've been used to.


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