
Monday 6 November 2023

All Saints' Weekend


We had a wet and grey All Saints' Weekend. On Friday afternoon (All Saint's Eve) there was a break in the rain, though, and I manged a walk to the nearby cemetery and the one family grave we have there (my maternal great-grandparents), to light a candle.

Larch trees

"Weeping birch"

Giant horse chestnut leaf
stuck on a bush beneath the tree

Empty playground...

I got out for short walks on Saturday and Sunday as well, but for the most part, it was a weekend to just "stay in and read" (cf. my previous book review post)... 

Not a whole lot of interest on TV either, so I've picked up what has almost become an annual tradition of mine this time of year: Re-watching Gilmore Girls, a favourite American TV-series of mine from 2000-2007 that since a number of years back now runs on Netflix. (I also have it on old DVDs, but on Netflix it has been adjusted to modern flatscreen TV format. There's also a 4-part sequel from 2016.) I never really get tired of it because it's so full of quirky details and characters and clever repartee - and hints and references to like a million classic books and films. (It also goes totally overboard in making fun of American small town life - but in a very loving way.)

Have you got any favourites like that to which you keep returning over and over...?


  1. What a treat this post is! I have never seen a Weeping Birch! Both Birch and Weeping willows are two of my favorite trees. And I have also never seen a Horse Chestnut, or the leaves of them. It is unlike any leaf I have seen! We have so many shows backed up to watch that we don't have any time to re-watch anything. Our recording box is in constant danger of being all filled up.

    1. Ginny, as for small (i.e. not very tall) weeping birch trees like this one, I've only seen those in cemeteries and parks. I like rewatching favourites (just as I like rereading favourite books), especially when tired I often find it more relaxing to watch something familiar that I know I like, rather than something new.

  2. I have never seen the horse chestnug and am using that in cream for my bruises. the weeping tree and the larch are stunning. i have no favorites that we rewatch, and unlike ginny can find aboslutely nothing to watch on our TV channels and we have 700 of them. I did not like Gilmore when it was on but millions did. I might find a few things to watch but bob has the remote and he will not watch them. we do watch on netflix the reruns of Seinfelt, the comedian. we fill in with his 1/2 hour shows when we need something to watch until bedtime. Ginny loves documenarty and animals kingdoms, true things. i only like stories. I don't care for Smithsonian or any shows of that type and history makes me crazy.. unless of course someone right a story about it ad then who knows if its true.

    1. Sandra, it happens that I watch episodes of Seinfeld as well, but on the whole I prefer shows without background laughter from studio audience... Years ago I bought the M*A*S*H series on DVD and was fascinated because I found I could chose to turn on or off the laughter, and I found I liked the series so much better with the laughs turned off...

  3. The weeping birch is particularly beautiful!
    Our weekend was wet and windy, too, but like you, we managed to get out for walks nonetheless.
    I have never watched Gilmore Girls, but from your description, it sounds like something I would enjoy. One of my favourite autumn/winter return-tos are the Harry Potter movies. I have not yet re-watched them, as there are still several things I have marked on my "to be watched" lists on both Netflix and in media libraries of our regular TV stations (documentaries, too), but Harry Potter is definitely an autumn thing for me, even though I read most of the books in the middle of summer originally.

    1. Meike, I can imagine you enjoying Gilmore Girls. (Sounds like you have Netflix, so you could easily check them out some time when you feel in the mood for it!) - With Harry Potter the audio books read by Stephen Fry are more or less on a constant loop with me (especially in the nighttime as I know them so well it doesn't matter if I fall asleep - but at the same time if I have difficulties sleeping - as I often do - they still keep me entertained...) I do rewatch the films now and then as well.

  4. I agree with Meike, the weeping birch is beautiful, and your trees are still giving you some Autumn colour. I have just been working in the garden clearing up the pine needles that have blown all over in the recent high winds. Looking around I realise how very little difference there is from season to season.
    I've had Freesat TV for a number of years and have just about exhausted all the programmes I enjoy watching. It took me a while to realise they are just continuous repeats! Often I see something advertised that I think might be good, then promptly forget about. The problem with being an hour ahead of the UK means that I don't begin to watch a programme if I know it won't finish until midnight or later. A good murder mystery (like my reading preferences) and documentaries are something I will tune into.


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