
Wednesday 29 November 2023

And It Kept Snowing

It kept on snowing more or less all day today. For my own part, no need to go out... Had the laundry room (in the basement) booked anyway, so for exercise I just walked down and up the stairs a few times (only took the lift when I had a lot to carry). - Looking out my windows, I happened to catch the postwoman (I think!) on her rounds, and zoomed her in with my camera... Reminding myself of my privilege as a pensioner to more or less spend my time as I please, and not being obliged to be out and about it any kind of weather!


  1. Oh yes, that is what I appreciate the most about being retired. Looking out of the window at the horrible weather and knowing I no longer have to drag myself out there.

    1. JayCee, it also sometimes makes me feel all the more grateful for the people who are still out there doing their job, in spite of the weather (and whatever...)

  2. I wouldn't want to be her having to work outside in that cold, being inside is so much more cosy.

    1. Amy, I even back in my youth I wasn't all that much of an "outdoorsy" person, so I can only agree... ;-)

  3. Did you notice he/she has no gloves on? Breed ‘em tough where you are😊

    1. Cathy, yes, I noticed... I think it's probably hard to sort through the post and get that right with gloves on!

  4. I agree, we retirees can mostly choose what we care to do and stay inside in stormy weather, quite pleasant.

    1. Terra, one needs to remind oneself to "look on the bright side of life" someetimes, doesn't one!

  5. That is a lot of snow, and winter has only just begun!
    Yesterday, I worked at the office and for a change, the sun came out around lunch time. I didn't have time for a walk, though, and during the afternoon the sky went grey again, and a little bit of snow fell - it didn't last.
    A friend of ours works in landscape gardening. He is outdoors in all weathers, unless it becomes really, really nasty or the ground frozen solid so that no landscaping is possible. He says he would go nuts if he had to spend his working day indoors, stuck behind a desk and staring into a computer screen like I do most of the time.

    1. Meike, in this part of Sweden snowy/frosty weather tends to "come and go" throughout the season. - One can only be thankful, I suppose, that there ARE people who prefer outdoors jobs, even in winter! :-)

  6. i am cold just looking at the photo.. i did look at the hands and she doesn't have on gloves. did not notice that. glad we now have mail delivery, used to be if you wanted mail a person had to go to the post office and pick it up

    1. Sandra, back in my childhood we got mail delivered twice a day on weekdays + once on Saturdays - now since a couple of years we only get mail delivered every other weekday (either Mon-Wed-Fri or Tue-Thu).


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