
Thursday 2 November 2023

Better Luck Today


(Sequel to yesterday's post)

I had another battle with the washing machine today - but this time I won! 

To start with, I was lucky in that no one had booked the laundry room in the morning, so I could start at 10 instead of waiting until 12. The display on the machine was back to normal, so I assumed all was ok, and put in my first load (=rewashing the items from yesterday).

However, coming back down an hour later I did not feel so lucky after all, as the exact  same thing had happened again that happened yesterday: The washing machine had again stopped before centrifuging, and the same error message as yesterday was showing on the display (suggesting a problem with the water hose). 

At first I just groaned "oh no..." But felt a bit braver today, so decided to see what happened if I turned the main switch (on the wall behind) off and on again. That did make the error message go away, and the display returned to normal. I decided to assume that the full washing cycle had been performed, and fast forwarded the program to just centrifuging (which would not require any more water added, if that was indeed the problem). That worked, and I could then move my towels etc to the tumble dryer as usual.

The display was still on normal, and I decided to try my second load as well (some clothes, but not a whole lot); this time going down to the laundry room every 15 minutes or so to check how things were proceeding. That way I could see that it did both wash and rinse (and seemed to have no problem with the water supply). I expected it to probably stop before centrifuging again - but this time it completed the whole program problem-free. Phew!

After I was done with it all I called the landlord's office again and told them all of the above. She said someone had been to check yesterday; and as my last wash now had gone ok, probably no use sending someone over again right then - but to call again if the problem recurred. But as I'm not planning to use the machine again until next week (but several other people are) I offered to leave a note on the machine with a brief warning/explanation, and that prompt. So I did - and now, for my own part, I'll try to forget about it until next week! :)


  1. Glad to hear you used clever ideas to keep the washing machine going, and to leave a note for the next users just in case.

    1. Terra, the second day I felt more inclined to experiment as obviously nothing really bad (like flooding) had happened in between! ;-)

  2. oh no that is frustrating, hopefully it doesn't do it again.

    1. Amy, if it's still unreliable I hope that will get sorted out during the week before it's my turn to use it again...

  3. Success!
    My coffee machine (a Senseo that is used with decomposable coffee pads) sometimes decides not to start when I press the "start" button. Sometimes it helps to switch it off and on again - sometimes I just have to wait 10 seconds and it does start after all, but sounding different from usual. Still, as long as it works most of the time, I am not going to replace it. And in case it should one day decide to not work at all, I have an emergency jar of instant coffee in the kitchen cupboard :-)

    1. Meike, as I don't drink coffee that's one less machine for me to worry about! ;-) (I never had a coffe machine and hardly know how to use one.) I recently bought a new electric water kettle as the old one had started leaking a little. No drama involved, but seemed safer to replace it. - One advantage of being a tenant btw is that when it comes to major kitchen appliances (cooker, fridge, freezer) those are included in rented flats here, so if anything goes wrong there, I also just report it, and it's the landlord's responsibility to fix it. (No extra costs involved.)

  4. Ha, I remember when working full time that our IT Department help desk always just suggested that we switch off our computer then switch it back on again if there were problems. It often worked fine after that!

    1. JayCee, yes, it's a "classic" tip, isn't it... "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" ;-) With my computer and mobile etc I use it a lot! I've used it before with the washing machine as well; but on this occasion I hesitated at first because of the error message indicating something wrong with the water hose. (Afraid to cause more trouble...)

  5. you fought the battle and you WON! so glad the clothes are clean and if it needs help again, let someone else find it and call the office. good job turn it off and on, just like a computer. you look cute in your AI photo. lol

    1. Sandra, it must be from back in my early 20s, haha... (I asked AI for a happy woman with neatly folded laundry - age not specified...)

  6. So glad to hear that the problem seems to be resolved.
    My machine will tell me if it doesn't feel like working - I sometimes get a definite "No", and it won't run through the programme. I just have to wait until it decides to either unlock the door or carry on!

  7. Sounds very capricious, Carol! But if it does deliver in the end, and you have time to wait it out, I suppose one might learn to live with it... Not really acceptable for a shared machine with limited time slots involved, though! ;-)


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