
Saturday 25 November 2023

Tea, First Snow & Last Leaves

Wednesday through Friday were mostly staying-in days here, with windy and rainy weather going on outdoors, and various indoor routine chores to deal with at home anyway. Today I woke up to a thin layer of powder snow on the ground - but dry, and no ice underneath, so I decided on a walk downtown for some minor errands.

Not really enough to constitute a "Christmas market", but a few extra booths and stalls have been put up along one side of the square (as usual this time of year). 

My main errand today was to my favourite Tea Shop, though. I've been buying loose-leaf tea blends in this shop ever since I first moved to this town to live - 38 years ago in January! (They sell coffee too - but I don't drink coffee.)

Buildings and trees across the square reflected in the windows

 I also popped in at the Bookshop, recently reopened again after a fire in that building back in the summer. I didn't buy any books, but some stickers and stamps - as I realised the other day it's time to get started on my overseas Christmas cards. (I already had enough cards at home, but I wanted to show my appreciation of the bookshop being back in business...)

 I received the first Christmas card and letter myself this week - from a penpal in the US.

Looking back towards town on my way back home - the sun breaking through from the south, but still dark skies in the background.

Crossing the old cemetery closer to home - here you can see the very thin layer of powder snow on the ground.

The trees are all bare now, except for just a few leaves lingering here and there. In the cemetery I've noticed that some low branches on birch trees growing right next to lamp posts seem to tend to hang on to their leaves longer than the rest... Must be to do with the light from the lamps at night!


  1. I've noticed that artificial light (fluorescent) greatly improves the growth of my indoor plant leaves.

    1. Duta, I'm sure you're right. I have some kind of lamp in every window which I keep lit in the evenings (during the dark part of the year). (And my indoor plants are usually all on the window sills.)

  2. I enjoy seeing the photos you take of your town. It does look like a lovely place to live, even with the snow!

    1. Thanks JayCee. It is a nice town, although with a reputation of being very rainy.

  3. The two photos with the dark sky as a background look most dramatic.
    I'm a coffee drinker (two cups a day maximum) and love to see your tea shop - those mugs on the top shelf look ideal for my coffee!
    It's still sunny and reasonably warm here during the day, but goes cold - down to +12ÂșC overnight, when the sun goes down.

    1. Carol, it's -6°C here now (5 pm ~ 1,5 hour after sunset).

  4. As always, beautiful pictures of your town.
    The thin layer of powder snow made for a more "Christmassy" mood, didn't it.
    Here, we've had very wet sleety rain/snow on Friday and Saturday afternoon, not lasting long and not lasting on the ground. But it was a reminder that autumn is actually over, at least weather-wise, and those who have not yet dug out their winter clothes better get that done very soon. (I am already wearing my padded winter coat.)

    1. Meike, we're definitely in a wintry spell here just now, with temperatures below zero even in the daytime. And I'm now wearing my wintriest winter coat as well :)

  5. I would so enjoy being in that coffee and tea shop. From the outside it looks welcoming. I'd have to visit the bookstore first, though. Lovely lighting in the looking back at the town photo. Alana


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