
Friday 10 November 2023

Wednesday through Friday


Well, it hasn't exactly been "stormy" here - just dripping wet and grey, and me feeling generally Novemberish, and having difficulties coming up with even a good starting sentece for a couple of days. 

No major reactions to the double covid+flu vaccination on Tuesday, though (previous post). A bit sore around the injection spots as expected; but no fever or other "worries".

Happy washing machine  (by Bing AI)

Had the laundry room booked on Thursday afternoon. The problems from last week seemed to have been fixed, and I even got a load of bedlinen washed which I had been thinking of postponing until next week.

Today I had a home delivery of groceries from the supermarket coming. I asked Bing for illustrations of that as well. Still not all easy to get the details right, though...

Well, this looks rather exemplary, and quite ergonomical. "My guys" do not actually have a pushcart like that, though.

 No, no, no... No driving the truck into my living room, please!!! 
And really, carrying the bags like that behind your back really must be worse for you than the way my guys do it - however easy you make it look...! (LOL)

Now this is more like it - except that my guy actually somehow manages four or five bags at the same time. It's not always the same driver, but quite often - and he who came today does look a lot like the one in this image! (Not quite Hagrid-size, but almost...)


  1. I do love some of the weird and wonderful images that Bing creates. I usually have to try several times to get anything close to the image I am seeking.

  2. What a cute post! The A.I. Images are so much fun to play with. I'm glad you are feeling well, with no side effects.

  3. Hahaha :-D Love the truck in the living room :-D
    My Mum started to order groceries for home delivery when the pandemic began and she did not want to risk to catch Covid for herself or my Dad. She loves it and has never gone back to "normal" shopping. There are many drivers, and it is rare to get the same man (or sometimes woman) twice, but she always gives them a tip and they have a very brief chat after they have carried my Mum's things to the 3rd floor (no lift in the building).

    1. Meike I've been using home delivery every fortnight (or so) for 9 years now, which has been quite literally "a huge weight off my shoulders" for me... There have been lots of different drivers over those years of course. But a big strong guy resembling the last image in my post has been a regular for quite some time - and having seen him a few times, one tends to remember him! :-)

  4. What fun images. So glad you've got the clothes washing situation settled. Each week I have to make an effort to haul the clothes/linens somewhere or another. I get a few things delivered, but it's just non-perishables dumped on my porch. Then they send an email...with a photo of the porch delivery.

    1. Barbara, when I order groceries I book a time slot for delivery during which I have to be home. On the day I also get an approximate delivery time by text message. What they do if I'm not home to open the door I don't know, that's never happened yet...

  5. Does your delivery driver unpack the groceries for you too? I know the one at my work does for people who need help. We don't use the delivery service but we use click and collect here, saves me alot of money not going into the store.

    1. Amy, no, they just deliver the groceries to the door (or just inside the door). But that works ok for me so far.


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