
Saturday 2 December 2023

1st December - Weekend/Street Reflections

In general, I'm not a big fan of being out and about in the dark, and on slippery snowy/icy streets like we've had this week... However, yesterday I happened to have an appointment in the city centre around 3 pm; and when I got back out from there an hour later, darkness had fallen. So on my way home I took the opportunity to also admire the Christmas lights and take some photos.

This guy on the bridge had way more impressive equipment for night photography than I did (I only had my phone...)


Linking to Weekend Street Reflections

Weekend Reflections


  1. I can't imagine having snow at Christmas time, here it's hot and sunny, well not right now cos it's raining but I do like those nights over Winter when I can hibernate.

    1. Amy, I on the other hand can't imagine celebrating Christmas in summer climate ;-)

  2. sorry you were out at that time but wow, these are gorgeous. the lights make it like a fairy land

    1. Sandra, while I probably wouldn't have walked into town that day just for the Christmas lights, I did appreciate them as a welcome "bonus" when I had to go anyway! ;-)

  3. Like you say, Monica, Christmas to me means winter and snow, too - I can not imagine it in tropical heat. When my sister and I were kids, our Australian friends sent pictures of their kids standing in front of their Christmas tree, wearing summer dresses and flipflops and looking all tanned and summerly. It was weird to us.
    Your town makes a beautiful job of looking christmassy!

    1. Meike, the snow helps a lot, too! :-) (doesn't make it easy to walk, though...)

  4. Oh, how Christmassy everywhere looks. I love the lights and the snow makes everywhere look so festive. Even though you were out after dark, it must have been a magical walk.
    It's sunny and reasonably warm, +16ÂșC again today, but after all the years living here I'm used to a usually mild and sunny December.

    1. Carol, we're still in a cold spell here, which seems likely to last at least another week or so.

  5. I agree with Coppa's Girl. It all looks beautifully Christmassy. Just like a traditional Christmas should be,

  6. JayCee, it does look very festive, especially with the snow.


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