
Wednesday 20 December 2023

Gone With the Wind


Probably started some time in November, and finished in mid December, I've recently been re-listening to Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell as audio book. (49 hours!)

Checking back on my blog, I found my review from 2016 - and saw that I'd already written then pretty much what I'd still want to say now - including my personal story of my first memories of this book (big as a Bible!) from borrowing it (in Swedish) at the town library in my home town back in my teens... So I'll save myself some energy by just linking back to the previous review; and just confirm that I still found it worth while to listen to again, 7 years later. (I often listen to audio books in a state of mind somewhere between sleep and awake at night - and then prefer old favourites that I already know well enough that it doesn't matter too much if I miss a bit here and there...)


  1. After watching the movie when I was 15 or 16, it made me so mad I never read the book and never watched it again. Born and raised in Georgia, where a lot of this happened, and having great grandparents that lived during that time, the whole thing upset me and Scarlet was a spoiled brat.. on the other hand, my mothers sister, watched the movie dozens of times, love all things collectible and when she died had a collection of GWTW that was worth a ton of money.

    1. Sandra, I'm not sure when I last watched the movie, but although that is a long one ~(3:45 h), the book (49 h) does give a lot more room for "complexity" - which is probably why I like it, even though I can't say I really "love" any of the individual characters...

  2. Obviously I am very much aware of the book and film characters involved but I have to say that I could not have told you the author and some of the stars who had played various characters. I feel rather ashamed.

    1. Graham, I could not have told you the actors from the film either (except I just looked it up again now and reminded myself of the main three). Even with favourite films I'm often rather lousy at memorizing the names of actors - I'm one of those people who tend to drive myself (and others) mad by thinking/saying "oh, but that's the same actor who played that other character in that other film/series"...

  3. My comment to Gone With The Wind remains the same now as in 2016, too :-)

  4. I have never read the book, but have seen the film. It was shown at a local cinema in town and my mother took me to a matinée showing. I was too young to go in on my own - about about 10 or 11 - but tall for my age. It was trip down Memory Lane for my mother - she'd seen it with my father when they were engaged to be married. Shortly after they married (two weeks!) my father was away for five year during WWII, so I think it held tremendous significance for her. For me, I remember it was a big yawn from start to finish, and when the intermission came I wanted to go home! No way was my mother going to miss the second half, and I fell asleep and missed most of it! I'm not sure that even now , decades later, I would enjoy the book or film.

    1. Carol, I'm not 100% sure but I think I may first have seen the film at the cinema with my mum, too. (Before or after I read the book, I'm not sure.)


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