
Friday 29 December 2023

Skywatch Friday

From Thursday noon it kept on raining without freezing again in the night, so today I woke up to streets clear of snow and ice. (Which after the past very slippery week felt like a relief.) At midday there was even a break in the rain, so I grabbed the opportunity to go for a "proper" walk for a change - as in walking at normal speed with normal footwear and no fear of slipping. I had no special errands, but chose to walk to the city centre and back, which means I was out for nearly an hour. Felt good to be able to "stretch my legs" again!  

Photo from my balcony back on Wednesday morning. (Today did not inspire photography.)

Linking to Skywatch Friday


  1. Pretty sky. Glad it cleared up and you were able to enjoy a walk!

  2. so happy to hear you had an hour walk. woo hoo. hope you get a few more soon...

    1. Sandra, winter is always difficult. One has to grab the moments... ;-)

  3. It feels great, doesn‘t it, to be able to go for a proper walk after one has been cooped up indoors for a while!

    1. Meike, while I've never been much of a long distance hiker, I do usually try to get out at least for a little while most days. But it's not quite the same when there's snow and ice and one sort of has to stay concious of every step to be sure to keep upright... So yes, it's a relief when the streets are ice-free and one can sort of turn on the auto-pilot again for a while! (Not likely to last very long this time of year, so I try to grab the moments if I can.)

  4. So glad that you could finally enjoy a decent walk with no problems.
    Winter weather, even here, is something of a lottery. This morning it was cold, overcast, miserable and wet underfoot from a heavy overnight dew. I decided to delay the morning dog walk and we're not long back from a turn around the block. Now I see it's brightening up, the sky is turning blue and the sun has finally come out.

    1. Thanks Carol. Been out for a while today as well. Probably snow again for NY Eve...

  5. Great capture from your balcony. A colorful sky and a couple birds.

  6. Here in New Jersey we might have wintry weather coming on the weekend. They say maybe rain, maybe snow, we will see. Be careful on that ice. I visited your blog today from the Skywatch link-up. Happy New Year.


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