
Sunday 14 January 2024

Prep Week


We had a day of thaw yesterday, but the ground still very cold - which turned it dangerously icy again. I had intended to try a short walk - but did not get beyond the corner of my building before deciding it wasn't worth it...

The image above was zoomed in today from my windows - and edited "HDR-ish" in Picasa3 in an attempt to bring out just how icy that footpath behind the building is as well. Looks like another day to just stay in!

Weather forecasts predict it will turn colder again in the week to come; but still seem undecided about whether we're to expect more snow or not. (Or when, where or how much.)

Regardless of the weather, I have something of an ordeal of a week ahead of me, "prepping" for a colonoscopy appointment on Friday... "Just" a follow-up of a recent screening test; no symptoms I've actually noticed myself. So this far, I'm trying not to worry too much about the outcome; but focusing more on pre-preparing myself for the procedure itself - including the low-fibre diet to be kept during the week leading up to it...

Hopefully I've basically got my head round that now; but at first it seemed to me to be  completely reversed to all I've been used to eating over the past 10-11 years... The thing is, my food cupboards are normally filled with whole grain products (rice, pasta, bread, whatever); and I'm also used to consuming a lot of fresh fruits and berries and vegetables. I can't remember when I last bought (or ate) for example white toast, or white rice; and I'm not in the habit of peeling fruits with edible peel... So feels much like I've had to completely "reset" my brain and my usual routines.

Yesterday, for example, for the first time in my life, I cooked "boil in bag" white rice. Proved easy enough to do, but tastes absolutely nothing... (I'm used to boiling whole grain rice in veg. broth, and freezing that in portions.)

Today's lunch: Salmon
(spiced with herb salt and cooked in the microwave, as I always do), white rice (cf above), and salad consisting of just iceberg lettuce, peeled(!) cucumber and pieces of Galia melon... (Looks very bland, but spicing the rice with the same herb salt as the fish did improve the taste.)

Back on Friday, I made an improvised soup from 1 onion, 3 potatoes, 3 carrots and ~100g celeriac, boiled in 1 liter of vegetable broth). Turned out quite okay and will see me through a couple of more meals this week, I think. (I can add meat to that as well if I like.)

"One day at a time but prepared for tomorrow as well" will probably be my motto for the week to come. (Or something along those lines...)

(PS. I tried asking Bing Image Creator for an illustration, but it obviously has NO idea what a low fibre diet involves...)


  1. bing has zero thought in its brain, i asked for several things that it had no idea what i asked for. rice has no taste, it has to have salt and other things to give it taste. a lot of people put herbs in it, i hate all herbs. our southern way is add Gravy, or peas, or beans, chicken or pork, i did not know about the all week prep, just knew about the one where you stay in the bathroom all night. good luck

    1. Sandra, in this case Bing just gave me mountains of vegs that I'm NOT supposed be eating this week, plus some brown paper bags claiming the invisible content to be Low Fibre...I thought it best not to put those images online!!!

      In the past I think I boiled white rice in salted water but then there was no plastic bag involved... Thought it best now to just follow instructions...

  2. Gosh you are brave! I would not even attempt going out in slippery weather like this! Please let me know as soon as you get the colonoscopy results! When is it? Is this based on some blood work? I know here, the doctor comes by and tells you right after the test, don't know how they do it there. I will be praying for a good report! Now I want to know your recipe for cooking salmon in the microwave.

    1. Ginny, I'll email you. As for cooking salmon in the microwave, it's as simple as can be: 1 portion of (defrosted) salmon, add what spices you like, put it on a plate or whatever (I use a small glass dish with a glass lid), cook 2 minutes in the micro on full effect.

  3. Good luck with the colonoscopy, Monica. I presume that low fibre diet does away with the requirement to "purge" the day before the exam. Sounds like a good idea to me, even if it makes your meals boring for a while. When I had a colonoscopy, the doctor told me immediately after the exam what they had found and what they had done about it and reassured me it would all go in writing to my doctor and I could have a copy, too, if I wanted. For me, it was all very welcoming news. I hope it is for you, too.

    1. Thanks Pauline. I'm afraid the low fibre diet does not do away with having to finish it off with a day of "purgatory" as well. I suppose I just have to trust that it's all in my best interest, even when it does not exactly feel like it...

  4. If I were to undergo a colonoscopy, I would have to completely change my diet, too. Everything I know to be healthy seems to be banned! I understand the reasons, but still find it odd that in order to undergo a health-related procedure, we have to go anti-health...
    Hopefully, all will go well, and you can soon revert back to your usual, much tastier and healthier diet.

    1. Meike, that's how I felt too, when trying to "understand" the diet... As I'm not the first patient to be experimented on, I guess I just have to trust that they probably have some idea what they're doing, though! ;-)

  5. Probably best you didn't venture out onto the ice, wouldn't want you to fall over in those conditions. The boil in a bag rice is hard to find here now, not sure why but shops aren't stocking it.

    1. Amy, I've never actually been looking for boil in bag rice before, so no idea whether it's usually easy or hard to find here. But I had no trouble ordering it from my supermarket with my usual home delivery just after New Year.


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