
Saturday 20 January 2024

Short Update

 Just putting in a short update to my post from last Sunday to say that my hospital appointment on Friday went well, and nothing serious was found in the colonoscopy. The last day of "prepping" was indeed rather exhausting though (and with not much sleep), so I'm giving myself time to just rest and recover this weekend.

I  had luck with the weather on Friday as well. It snowed a bit the night between Thursday and Friday, but not so much snow as to cause serious problems in traffic. I took a taxi to the hospital in the morning (booked the day before) but was able to take a bus back home afterwards (just telling you so you know I was really feeling quite ok after). 

The night between yesterday and today we had even more snow, followed by another mostly sunny day. I was out for a slow snowy walk after lunch, taking lots of photos - but then slept the rest of the afternoon when I got back home... 

A few teaser photos to finish off this post. More to come later.

From  my  window this morning



From my afternoon walk today


  1. God news (colonoscopy update), and great winter pictures! Thanks for sharing

  2. I'm very pleased to hear that your colonoscopy was clear. That'll be a weight off your mind. The snow pictures are, as always, beautiful from this distance. Having had snow here this week which made getting my car out very difficult it's much lovelier on your photos than it is in front of my home.

    1. Thanks Graham. I saw some photos of the snow on Lewis yesterday on FB, shared by the author Peter May. Looked like you got quite a lot of it!!

  3. #2 was my favorite until I got to the last one and I said oh wow! that is just gorgeous. So glad you could get out. these photos are magical! Yay for the good report and a safe bus ride home..

    1. Sandra, it's likely to soon turn to slush again - actually the trees are already bare again so it's probably already started. So I'm glad I did get out for a while yesterday while it was still looking magical.

  4. What a strange and beautiful light the sky has! I'm so glad you are alright!!!

    1. Thanks Ginny. The first photos are from not long after sunrise (looking east).

  5. That's good news about the colonoscopy, Monica! It is good that you can get all the rest you need now, and revert to your healthy, tasty diet.
    You really live in Winter Wonderland these days :-)

    1. Meike, Winter Wonderland is doing a lot of "appearing and disappering" this winter... Already thawing again, so probably no walk for me today. Glad I was able to get out for a while yesterday.

  6. I'm loving your snow and scenery, cant say I've ever had a colonoscopy though but it must be a relief to you that your results were clear.

    1. Amy, it's certainly not something one wants to add to one's list of experiences just for the fun of it... But definitely a relief that it turned out ok.

  7. What a relief that your colonoscopy was clear.
    The photos are beautiful, though my favourite is definitely number 2!

    1. Thanks Carol. More snowy photos waiting to be published.

  8. I'm so pleased your colonoscopy results were good and you are recovering from that awful preparation. Your snow pictures are wonderful. I look forward to more. (Probably more than you look forward to more snow.)


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