
Thursday 11 January 2024

Wordless Wednesday


Original photo (phone camera)

Colours slightly enhanced with help of Picasa3

Beautiful pink sky to the north around sunset yesterday - hard to capture on camera, but I made an attempt... (Went out for a short walk around 4 pm, after collecting my last load of dried clothes from the laundry room.)

Linking to  Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday


  1. I am a little puzzled now - it is Thursday, and the post is not wordless... but anyway, the photo is beautiful, and I know exactly what you mean about the sky sometimes being hard to capture on camera. Particularly beautiful light and colours is often poorly represented on photos, but we KNOW what we saw, and sometimes, as in your case, a little enhancing gets the image closer to the truth.

    1. Photo from a quiet Wednesday walk, Meike, but I did not get round to posting until today... ;-)

  2. i find it impossible to capture what i see with my eyes and you did a great job nudging the colors on this one. it is the same nudging when professional photographers use manual settings, and tripods to get what we see. we just do the nudge after the shot. i also find it impossilbe to do a wordless wed, but have done one like yours on thursday or even friday. ha ha

    1. Sandra, I was invited in a comment on another post of mine to join Wordless Wednesday, and decided to link this post even if not entirely wordless... ;-)

  3. I see the pink at the bottom, and the blue up higher. The trees are so pretty. I think in the winter when they are leafless is when we can best see their beautiful structure and shapes.

  4. Beautiful photos of the skies, definitely depicts Winter.


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