
Saturday 17 February 2024

All Hearts


In Swedish, Valentines' Day (14 Febr) is called Alla Hjärtans Dag = All Hearts' Day. (Often just referred to as "All Hearts".) This year, the day arrived accompanied by awful weather, and my guess is that not many couples around here tried to celebrate it by going for a romantic walk. On the 13th, we had lots of snow falling down us once more; and on the 14th it all started turning to rain, slush and ice again. I hardly set foot outside for four days (Tuesday through Friday). 

Today, however, I woke up to sunshine, a blue sky, and almost every trace of snow and ice gone again - for now. So I grabbed the opportunity to go for a walk into town and check out the City's effort earlier in the week to create a bit of Valentine's mood in the main square. (I had seen photos of and read about it in the local newspaper.)

Crossing a footbridge over to the Park on my way back, I also noticed quite a few padlocks along the railing there. I believe some of those have been there for quite a while  - but maybe some new ones were also added on All Hearts' Day? 

My other purpose for going into town today (besides snapping a few photos of The Big Heart) was to buy myself some tulips. It's also my mum's birthday on Tuesday next week (or was). She used to get tulips for her birthday (it's the most common cut flower sold at the florists' this time of year); and after she died (15 years ago in May), it's become a sort of tradition for me to buy some tulips for myself around this date, "to remember her by".

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I also popped into a clothes shop for "a quick look" (mostly really to seek shelter from the wind for a little while). But happened to lay eyes on a denim jacket that tempted me to also try it on - and then buy it. The thing is, I have an old one, but it is very short (to the waist only) and also really too tight now when buttoned up... So I have been on the lookout for a while for one a bit longer and wider. That has not seemed to be the fashion in a while - but looks like they're back now... The photo below shows the new one to the left, and my old one to the right. The sleeves on both are the same length, but the new one is both longer and wider. (I'll be able to wear a cardigan or sweater underneath it in spring/autumn.) I decided to buy it while still available in "my size"... (Even if with the shifting fashions, it's getting increasingly difficult to say what that is supposed to be!!)



  1. What a difference in the jackets! Here, all the rage is tops that don't even come down to the waist! The tulips are beautiful. And I am glad to see that Boras has a heart!!

    1. Ginny, at this age, tops that don't even come down to the waist is definitely off my wishlist... For me, I don't think they were ever really on it, though!! ;-)

  2. I love tulips and yours are beautiful. There are so many different varieties and I am keen to see which ones have survived in our garden this year.

    1. JayCee, there is certainly a wide variety of tulips to choose from. These red ones felt right for "All Hearts" week :)

  3. Those beautiful blue skies would have been irresistible to me, too, and you had not only a good walk and saw the big red heart, but a surprise find as well.
    My sister‘s birthday is in January, and she always gets tulips, usually the first we‘d see each year. I love it that you buy tulips in memory of your mother.
    We had friends over for the evening last night at O.K.‘s cottage, and one couple brought us a potted red tulip, so spring-like!

    1. Meike, while normally I almost never buy cut flowers for myself (finding it too extravagant, as they don't last very long), I think I've nearly always made an exception for tulips this time of year :-)

  4. I like that jacket, the new one... what a great day, all that sunshine, making your city beautiful, and the heart is really cute, i am betting a lot of people had photos taken standing behind it. so happy you had a day out and about in gorgeous weather. those tulips will brighten your flat for days to come. love the color

  5. Sandra, a sunny and non-slippery day was most welcome as a break from all the variations of snow vs rain lately. Alas we're back to grey today, with more precipitation (of various kind) expected...

  6. After all the snow you've had recently it would be impossible to resist going out in such wonedrful sunshine and those blue skies.
    I like your denim jacket and the tulips are glorious - such an intense colour.
    I've long since given up being a follower of fashion - I'm the wrong age and definately the wrong shape these days!

    1. Carol, I doubt anyone ever saw me as an obvious follower of fashion - it's more that once a new trend has been established, it's hard to find anything else for sale in the shops until it changes again! Whether it's wide vs narrow trousers, long vs short skirts, high vs low waist, or whatever... My strategy in later years has been more about updating my wardrobe when the current fashion happens to suit me... And then stick to that until next time... ;)


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