
Saturday 24 February 2024

The Calm After the Storm

Yesterday, stormy weather moved in over western Sweden, and several warnings for strong winds were issued. Train departures in the region were cancelled, as part of the roof at Gothenburg Central Station blew off in the morning, cutting off electricity to several tracks at the station for several hours. Many buses were cancelled as well, as fallen trees were blocking roads etc. A major bridge in the archipelago north of Gothenburg was also closed to traffic. 

As for myself, I was in the lucky position of not needing to go anywhere, so I just stayed in. I had ordered groceries with home delivery, which arrived on time; and I also had electricity and internet as usual all day. So personally, I was really not affected at all. But looking out, I could hear and see that the wind outside was really strong even in my neighbourhood (all kinds of debris flying about; but nothing "major"). 

This morning the storm had passed on. All was still and quiet compared to yesterday, and the trees that I see from my window were hardly moving. We even had a bit of blue sky and sunshine for a while. That might quickly change again, though - so I grabbed the opportunity to go for a walk into town again, and pick up a few things from the pharmacy. 

I could see no major damage from the storm along the paths I walked (only small branches and litter blown about). And the river was still as a mirror - or at least very nearly so.

I even found the first real "sign of spring" on my way back along the river: Snowdrops growing in a flower bed by the river, near the condominiums on the other side of the path.

Linking to Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections


  1. Gorgeous reflection photos! I'm so glad you survived this with no damage of any kind!

    1. Ginny, personally I was in no danger whatsoever - just thankful I had no appointments that day that required decisions about whether to venture out, or to cancel.

  2. The river looks exactly like a mirror, so pretty. I am glad you made it safely through the wild wind storm. Wild weather at my house.

    1. I read your post, Terra, and that must have been scary. Where I live there are no big trees so close as to be likely to actually hit the building and cause damage that way. (And as tenant rather than owner of my flat, there are a lot of other things which I need not worry too much about either.)

  3. Looking at those beautiful scenes you wouldn't think that a storm had just passed through.

  4. I think the ripples in the mirror look make these even more beautiful, and it is hard to believe how calm and beautiful it is after reading about the storm. the photos are beautiful and so happy it did you no harm

    1. Thanks Sandra. As long as I do not need to go out in it, I'm usually pretty safe in bad weather!

  5. The weather is very changeable at this time of year. Glad the wind didn't do any major harm around your area. It all looks really lovely with the blue sky and calm water.

    1. Thanks Jenny. No doubt it hit worse here and there in the countryside, but I don't there were any major incidents in our city centre.

  6. Those reflections are great pictures - a walk along that river is always good, and I suppose you never tire of it just like we don't tire of seeing pictures of it.
    Good to know there was no major damage in your immediate area, and you had electricity and warm all through the storm.

    1. Meike, I do love that walk along the river into (or back from) town. Most of it has not really been available all that long. In the past, there were a lot more industrial properties on both sides of the river, and not that many places where the public could get close to the water.

  7. It all looks so tranquil, with no sign of high winds or a storm. Lovely to be able to walk by the river.
    We have had two days of near gale-force winds which have stripped the leaves from plants and trees on the garden, so I'll have a lot of clearing up when it finally dies down.

    1. Carol, I always appreciate that walk along the river (cf my reply to Librarian) - I only avoid it sometimes in winter when it might be too slippery. Clearing the garden is something I do not need to worry about, living in a rented flat... There is a team of outdoor staff on the estate who usually do a very good job of that.

  8. There are few things more reassuring that the calm after a storm and finding things haven't been destroyed.


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