
Friday 29 March 2024



2016-03-27 Easter 

Easter 2016


Easter 2014

Easter 2023

When I can (health and other circumstances allowing), I like to celebrate Easter in church. In recent decades, that has usually meant going to this one - Caroli church, the oldest church in Borås (built in 1669, but has been through some repairs since then), belonging to the national Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden. (The union between state and church was dissolved in 2000, but it still retains a special status in some respects as national church, compared to what we call "free" churches.) Liturgically it is "high church", reflected in the order of worship, the garments worn by the priests (nowadays many of them women), and using the word "mass" (mässa) for communion services.  

The liturgy at Easter is especially "dramatic" - at least in this church, which holds church services every day throughout the Easter weekend. In the evening of Easter Thursday there is a Mass, ending with the altar being stripped bare from all decorations (candles, flowers, altar cloths), and all lights being turned off so that the congregation leaves the church in darkness. On Easter Friday (11 am) a service without communion, and the only decoration on the altar a vase with five red roses, representing Christ's wounds. No musical instruments used, but the choir sings a cappella. On Easter Saturday there is a Midnight mass, which starts in darkness, but includes the lights being turned back on, and the altar getting decorated again, to celebrate the resurrection. (I've only attended that a few times in the past, but it made deep impressions that I still "carry with me".) On Easter Sunday, a joyful mass with the organ and other instruments back in use, together with the choir. There's also some kind of service on Easter Monday (this year a musical service in the late afternoon). 

It's probably only like once or twice that I've attended all these different church services (on one and the same weekend); but they still all form a unity to me now, even if I only go to one or two (or even none). 

This year (so far), I went to the Maundy Thursday mass (at 6 pm) together with my friend E. It was raining, so on my own I probably wouldn't have gone; but she lives on the outskirts of town and has a car, so came and picked me up (and delivered me safely back home after as well). Today, Easter Friday, the weather was rather pleasant for walking (not sunny, but also not raining); so I walked to the 11 am service and back. Ran into another old friend there after the service and chatted with her for a bit. 

I'll not be going to the Easter Eve midnight mass. Whether I'll make it to the Sunday service remains to be seen. Besides the weather, it also depends on how I cope with the dreaded annual switch to Summer Time, which this year unfortunately happens to coincide with Easter! (Extra tough challenge for anyone set on attending both of those church services...)

(Repeating one of my AI-created stained glass windows from an earlier post.)


  1. It is all highly symbolic, and I can understand how it can affect one deeply and stay with you long after you have attended those services.
    My Mum, her friend R and I went to a Good Friday concert in church last night. It was Georg Philip Telemann's Lukas-Passion, a relatively unknown one - everyone knows the "passions" by Bach and Händel etc., but this one is not played so often.
    It was sung very well, with our city church's choir, chamber orchestra and three brilliant solists (soprano, tenor and bass), an experience that moved me to tears more than once (and my Mum, too).

    Today, I am travelling to O.K.'s where we host the family dinner tomorrow (O.K.'s sister always hosts the Christmas family dinner), now one person short since his Dad is no more with us. On Easter Monday, the village band provide the music in church, and therefore I will attend that mass, too; then back home on the early train on Tuesday morning, and back to work.

    1. Meike, I don't think I've heard of Telemann's Lukas Passion either but it's definitely the kind of church concert I might go to. I wish you a good rest of the weekend with OK and family.

  2. I like the leave in darkness and then the next service starts with dark, it sounds beautiful. the church is so beautiful all by itself. Glad your friend could drive you there and back..


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