
Wednesday 6 March 2024

Whispers of Spring


Me: Copilot, write a short poem about looking for signs of spring in nature
Copilot: Certainly! Here’s a short poem about the arrival of spring:

Whispers of Spring

Amidst the thawing earth and sun-kissed breeze, I seek the subtle signs that spring unfurls: The crocus, brave and purple, pushing through, And daffodils that nod in golden swirls.

The trees, once bare, now wear a tender green, Their branches stretching toward the azure sky. A robin’s song, a hopeful melody, As buds emerge, their secrets held inside.

The air smells fresh, of rain and blooming life, And daylight lingers, chasing away the cold. In every dew-kissed petal, I discern The promise of renewal, ageless and bold.

So let us wander, eyes wide open wide, And find the magic hidden in each nook. For spring, with whispered secrets, softly calls, And bids us seek its signs in every brook. 🌸

Now I'm wondering if AI creates a new poem for everyone who asks, or if it reuses ones it has already created for someone else!


The photos above are my own, not created by AI. I've not yet seen any crocus or daffodils; but I did spot these "promising" azalea buds in the old cemetery today... (It will probably be a good while yet until they're actually in bloom, though.) 


  1. It is so good that it's kind of frightening!

    1. Nothing frightening about AI, Ginny. It's all about the database at its bottom (all the words and sentences with which the program was trained); no real intelligence (in the way humans and animals are intelligent) behind it :-)

    2. I kind of agree with both of you (Ginny and Meike). I'm not particulary worried about AI used as a tool by honest people. But I am a bit concerned about how it may be used by people with intentions to deceive and cheat etc. Which is really why I bother about testing it a little to get an idea of what it can do (vs not!)

  2. Monica, your mentioning of azaleas reminded me of the beautiful magnolia trees in my street. At the rate we're going now, everything is out about 4 weeks earlier than "usual", and so the magnolias might be in full glory even before my birthday!

    1. Meike, we're still having frosty nights here, so I'm hoping that not too many plants get tempted too soon by the higher temperatures during the day...

  3. I have wondered about that to about the poems, and also where does it get line from, does it create them or just pull pieces from the internet.. it can't think so how can it write. I have not tried to say the same thing twice in the writing but did try it in photos and it did something different. do you Follow Denise? today she has super corgies.

    1. Sandra, my experiments so far have been rather random. I guess we'll just have to keep exploring to get a better idea of what we can expect - or not! ;)

  4. At last Google is letting me comment again!
    How I wish that we'd had such help when I had to write a poem in English Literature classes!

    1. ... And imagine the difficulties for teachers now to discern whether their students did have such help or not!! ...


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