
Saturday 20 April 2024

More Cherry Blossoms

I went back to revisit the little park with the old cherry blossom trees today, and I do think there were more flowers visible in the top branches today than when I was last there (four days ago). So probably no need to worry too much about the health of the trees as such.


One thing may still be a concern, though: Standing under these trees in spring is usually also connected with hearing the buzzing of a lot of bees and bumble bees. This year, I've so far not heard a single buzz... 

Daytime temperatures are still just around +7'C (44'F); and frost warnings issued for the nights. And the sky keeps changing very quickly. Yesterday the weather changed while I was dressing to go out, and when I got outside I was met by a snow-and-hail shower. (My walk was cut very short...) Today I managed to get out while the sun was shining, and as you can see from the photos, when I got to the park with the cherry trees (15 min walk or so), the sky was a lovely blue colour. But before I got back home (another 20-25 min), it was overcast and raining again!

I asked Copilot for a poem about the fickleness of spring:

In the dance of dawn, where dewdrops reign,
Spring whispers life, a transient train.
Blossoms bloom with a fleeting smile,
Gracing the earth, yet just for a while.

She waltzes in on a zephyr's wing,
A fickle queen, the heart of spring.
Sunshine and storm her crown adorn,
Today she's warmth, tomorrow she's torn.

Petals pirouette in the fickle air,
Spring's tender touch, both foul and fair.
A symphony of growth, then a silent fling,
Such is the caprice of the vernal king.

Yet in her fickleness, there lies a truth,
The cycle of life, in age and youth.
For in each ending, a beginning springs,
A constant change, the fickleness brings.


  1. I think you are right, the trees do look better and have more flowers at the top. hope so. our bees hum also, but they dont hum here in Florida if the temps are what yours is now. they fly drunk when it gets under 60 f. maybe they are doing what ever bees do until it warms up. hope so

  2. Maybe it's too early for the bees? Let's hope so, and that there is not another worse reason. I do think the trees look better now. And the combination of the pale pink and blue is lovely.

  3. Our weather is similar to yours. Too cold for bees, I think.

  4. Such beautiful blossoms, thanks for sharing them here. I'd wonder if the frost doesn't damage them at night.

  5. Cherry blossoms are a favorite of mine, my plum tree has blossoms now, also pretty. I hope your bees are happy and will soon be buzzing again.

  6. The trees look like they are doing really well. So nice to have sun and fresh air in Spring.

  7. The bees must be desperate for food, but they can‘t fly in snow or rain and maybe their numbers have been decimated by the inclement weather this spring in your area.

  8. What mixed weather you're having. You caught the blue skies and sunshine at just the right time - the blossom looks beautiful.

  9. Thanks all for your comments :) My concern about the bees is that it's not good for neither bees nor trees/flowers when they're not "in sync" as usual because of weird weather conditions. Less food for the bees, and less pollination for the plants...

  10. Spring blossoms are beautiful but I've always disliked spring weather because it is so changeable. I hope the bees will come when they find the weather more agreeable.


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