
Thursday 23 May 2024

Azalea Time

Since the summery weather struck a couple of weeks ago, and the first azaleas in the old cemetery started showing their colours, I've been walking by those almost daily - usually in the late afternoon or early evening, now that it's been rather hot earlier in the day.

First out were the yellow ones (14 May).

Followed by the pinkish red ones (15 May)

Then everything just exploded... (17 May)
17 May

17 May

19 May

22 May

22 May

Today I'll give the evening walk a miss. In the late morning, before it got really hot, I went for a walk to the supermarket and back. Then in the early afternoon I went out again to take some stuff to the recycling bins. By then there were a few light clouds in the sky, and there were warnings that we might have rain showers towards evening. Half way to the recycling station (only a few minutes from home) I felt a few tiny drops on my skin. It still didn't look like much would come of it - but before I reached my destination, it was pouring down... By then no point in turning round, though, as I was already wet. So I completed my task (sorting paper vs plastic into the right bins) before going back home ...  The rain had almost stopped before I got home. It was a very short shower - but intense! I had changed clothes before I went out (dressing for Hot and Sunny); but when I got back home I was half drenched and had to immediately change again... As I wasn't far from home I actually sort of enjoyed it, though - after a couple of rather hot and dusty weeks (lots of pollen in the air).

Just now I hear thunder... So more rain may be on its way. 


  1. Really turned into an adventure. I love the yellow Azaleas, especially the large bush!!! You hardly ever see this color around here, and I don't know why.

    1. Ginny, this lane through the old cemetery is where I see the most azaleas, and I haven't really got much to compare with. There is another park in town that I know has a lot of them too, but that one is rather "out of the way" for me so I don't visit it very often. Can't remember if they have yellow ones too.

  2. We have also had some intense rainfall here today. Some new leaks in this old house's windows!
    I adore azaleas. My favourite shrubs. The blousier and frothier the better. Ours are almost finished now. They don't last long enough!

    1. JayCee, I can only agree with you there (that they don't last long enough!)

  3. I've never seen yellow Azaleas either. Such a pretty flower, and here there's a stress on the magenta ones and sometimes white.

    1. Barbara, what I do notice with these ones in the cemetery is that some colours start flowering earlier and some a little bit later. This week they've all been in their full glory but the earliest ones now beginning to fade a bit.

  4. We had exactly that kind of short, but VERY intense shower on Thursday afternoon. I was still at work at the office and was focusing hard on a task, not looking out of my window, when I heard the noise on the glass roof above the building's large open staircase. In front of my window it was like a curtain of water, as if my office was behind a waterfall!
    Those azaleas are stunning. I guess a heavy shower, however brief, has thrown many blossoms to the ground now.

    1. Meike, as far as I noticed, we only had that one brief shower yesterday (unless it rained some more during the night while I was asleep, but there was nothing really to indicate that in the morning). Of course with thunder, showers are often very local. Today is a bit cooler and overcast, but so far no rain - and tomorrow it's supposed to be getting warmer again. I went past the azaleas again this afternoon and most of them were still looking their best - but their prime time will no doubt soon be over.

  5. The azaleas are a delight - so cheerful.
    Another plant for me to look out for when I next go to the garden centre - I had several in the garden in the UK and they were always so pleasing. Too late to plant anything now, but on the list for autumn planting in the hope we'll have some rain next winter.
    After a couple of days of above normal temperatures, this morning I needed to wear a light jacket on the dog walk. Quite a chilly wind and clouds in the sky, but no hint of rain.

    1. A little cooler here too today, Carol - no rain, but I too needed a light jacket for my walk today. Forecasts say warmer and sunnier again tomorrow, though. Do you have a large garden? I don't really miss not having one, as there are park-like surroundings nearby that I can enjoy without putting in the work... ;-)

  6. that same rain thing happened to beau and me on our walk about 10 days ago.. it was fun, no thunder or lightning, just a shower... your town is looking quite amazing. so beautiful and a delight to walk when you can see all those brilliant flowers

    1. Thanks Sandra. Yes, it's a lovely time of year to go for walks and explore what has just recently sprung into bloom. :)


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