
Thursday 16 May 2024

Everything at Once...


Summery weather with daytime temperatures around 23C (73F) has made nature go very quickly from spring to summer. Walking through the city park again today, it was almost like wading in pink snow, with all the cherry blossom now falling to the ground. 

At the same time, other trees and plants are now springing into bloom instead. 

On Tuesday, I noticed the first azaleas in bloom in the cemetery, especially the yellow ones. The next day (yesterday), the red ones had caught up as well.

The horse chestnut trees are "showing off" too:

The birch trees are all green now, so the worst of the birch pollen explosion should be over soon... But there are obviously still a lot of "whatever" kind of pollen in the air lately anyway, as I've been having extra problems with my eyes - itching and feeling dry in spite of multiple eye drops; and a couple of weeks ago I had a red eye for a whole week, looking like something out of a horror movie. (I hid under big sunglasses whenever I went out, whether the sun was actually shining or not.)

 Viola tricolor growing wild on a hillside between the cemetery and a nearby street.

It's also dandelion time.

And today I spotted the first lilacs:



  1. Lots of beauty going on. But my favorite has to be the petals on the ground!

    1. Thanks Ginny. My favourite too, out of these!

  2. I almost thought the trees in top photo were Jacaranda for a minute. Loving the Spring colour

    1. Amy, I don't think we have any Jacarandas in Sweden - our winters are too cold.

  3. It's exactly what happened here some weeks ago - a sudden rise in temperature made everything go "mad" and shortened the time our cherry trees and others usually carry blossoms. It felt like only a handful of days that they were in bloom. Lilacs have been and gone - I almost envy you the "later" spring!
    Horse chestnut trees are, surprisingly, still in full bloom and looking very beautiful just now.
    The little violas are so pretty!

    1. Meike, at least so far the temperature has stayed around 23C, i.e. not "too" hot - even if of course in sunny spots it gets above that. (Like, my balcony too hot to sit there for long in the afternoons.)

  4. Summer really has arrived! The first photo is stunning and I love the azaleas, in fact everywhere looks wonderful. What a pleasure to take a walk!

    1. Carol, this time of year there seems to be something "new" to see every day.

  5. the green trees is what I love the best of all your beautiful photos. the first photo is just gorgeous and needs a bride and groom standing on that sidewalk... welcome spring

    1. Sandra, after the long winter it's a sudden explosion of colours!


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