
Friday 31 May 2024



In the middle of the housing estate where I live, there is park-and-playground area. The other day when I was passing by (lunchtime, weekday, and kids in school) it happened to be all empty; so I grabbed the opportunity to take some photos. (While I quite like to include people in my photos, the people may not be so keen on it...)

Enclosed playground for the youngest (usually accompanied by parents).

Playground for adults, with boules court, a communal barbeque, and picnic tables.

 Somewhere to seek shelter from sun or rain.


And the most recent addition, just recently inaugurated: Something they call a "multi arena", where various kinds of ball games can be played. (For the somewhat older kids.)


And this they call an "outdoors gym".

These two I suppose are intended to encourage kids to throw litter in the right place...
(Good luck with that!)



  1. It looks like a fun place for kids to run around. People here are a bit funny about their photos being taken too so I'm usually extra careful when using my camera.

    1. Amy, it's a lot about context, isn't it. I like it when I can manage to include anonymous people in the picture from a distance - but if someone is walking straight at me, I do put the camera down until they have passed...

  2. It all looks really attractive. I hope it's well used.

    1. Jenny, later on in the afternoons the place is usually more busy!

  3. It all looks so fresh and clean! I don't see any litter!

    1. Kay, we have an outdoors team working around the estate during the weeks who among other things do quite a good job of keeping the grounds farily litter-free.

  4. Putting litter in animals' mouths is not something we should be encouraging in my humble opinion. Sweden looks more colourful than I remember it being when I visited your country in 2001.

    1. YP, Sweden is an oblong country of "many faces", and I'm not surprised if visitors' impressions vary a lot depending on when, where - and weather! Where did you go, and in what season?

  5. Your town really does a lot to enhance everyday life for its citizens, young and old.
    A few years ago, OK.‘s village received a new, large playground just behind the last houses. It has an outdoor gym, pingpong tables, long and short slides, climbing frames, a sand and water area where kids can make mud cakes, dams, „lakes“ and so on, benches for the parents and all sorts of things to cater for every age group. It is hugely popular and there are nearly always families there, especially those who do not have their own gardens. I don‘t know what the people who live in the immediate neighbourhood think of it - I imagine it can get a bit noisy at times.

    1. Meike, my own flat does not overlook that playground, but is closer to a bigger football field, plus there are also sometimes children playing (or teens "hanging out") on the lawns between the houses too. The noise tends to vary from year to year as families move in and out, and children grow up etc. (Just now there seems to be a number of little people not allowed out on their own, but enjoying making noise on their own balconies by jumping up and down...)


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