
Sunday 5 May 2024

Spring Shadows, Sunshine and Ice Cream


With warmer weather this week, even the shadows on the ground have now grown to show that spring is here for real... (The shadow above is from a horse chestnut tree just beginning to unfold its leaves.)

The old cemetery is looking greener every day as well.
Wood Anemones

On Friday afternoon I bought the first ice cream stick for the season (classic chocolate-covered vanilla), and sat down for a while on a bench in the neighbourhood playground park to eat it.   



  1. Ice cream! Oh yes. It will soon be that time again here... hopefully.

    1. JayCee, today we're back to 10'C and a hot cup of tea more tempting than ice cream!

  2. I think these days the only place I see wood anemones is on your blog. They are so much the epitome of Spring. I must see if I can get any to plant under my trees.

    As for the ice cream I yearn for the whippy ice cream on hot summer days. It reminds me of the summers in New Zealand with the children.

    1. Graham, wood anemones grow in the wild here but also find their way into gardens and parks - whether with or without help, sometimes hard to tell! I think they're usually welcome wherever they turn up, though. Those in this post I found on an old grave in the cemetery.

  3. oh now I love those ice cream sticks. I do like your new outfit you have on while eating your ice cream, the jacket is something I would like. kudos to AI ha ha.. all the trees look so happy to see spring and to feel the sunshine... spring has touched Sweden for sure. ENJOY

    1. Sandra, AI acted as my stylist and personal shopper in this case, and did well! (I gave no instructions about the clothes.)

  4. How green everywhere suddenly looks. The Wood Anemones look so pretty - I don't think they are a plant we have here.
    My waistline hopes that I will resist the temptation of ice cream!

    1. Carol, the wood anemones are among our earliest wild spring flowers here, so I imagine they prefer the "northern" climate.

  5. You are looking very sharp with your ice-cream. Calm, cool, and collected. But my favorite is the amazing Chestnut tree shadow!

    1. Ginny, sometimes I wish I could tell AI to fix the real me to look as "calm, cool and collected" as well! ;-)

  6. On a bleak day giving testimony to our approaching winter, it is lovely to see your spring images. Lifts the spirits.

    1. Thanks Pauline. Today we're back to cooler weather again - but the progress of spring will no doubt continue. Hope your winter won't be too dreary!


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