
Wednesday 1 May 2024

Walpurgis Night / Student Cortège

30th April in Sweden is ‘Valborgsmässoafton’, in English Walpurgis Night, a traditional spring festival; followed by 1st May which is our Labour Day and a national holiday. 

celebrations here usually involve gathering around a bonfire in the evening of 30th April, listening to choirs singing rather solemn traditional spring songs (often a cappella), and some local celebrity greeting spring with a speech.

Another tradition is for technology students at colleges or upper secondary schools to arrange a sort of festival parade (we call it cortège) through town, with home-made vehicles and posters etc that are often supposed to refer to (and mock) recent events - whether local, national or world wide. The most famous 
cortège is held by Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg; but 'senior high schools' in other cities have copied the idea and developed their own.

I think it's been a while since I last attended any kind of Valborg celebration, but this year the last day of April did offer lovely spring weather (which is far from always the case); and since I live only 15 minutes walk from the technical high school, I decided to go for a walk in that direction and check out the start of this year's cortège (around 6:30 pm). Turned out there were already so many spectators lined up along the streets involved that it was hard to get close. But I snapped a video and some photos from a bit higher up on a hill nearby. I hope the video will work here, but in case it doesn't, I include some photos as well.


(The mountains of sand in the background are from construction work going on as they're adding a new building to the school.)

I did not follow the cortège over the bridge into the city centre, but took a little detour down into a corner of the city park, and then turned back home, passing two old cemeteries on the way. Found these lovely narcissi growing on the first/oldest one.


  1. I put the video onto full screen, so was able to see the parade quite clearly. It must have been quite warm because I'm sure one guy on one of the vehicles wasn't even wearing a shirt!
    The narcissi look very healthy and it's good to see all the budding greenery on the trees.
    We have had four days of very welcome rain, and it's been slightly cooler than normal at this time. Today it's finally sunny and is a national holiday too. Everywhere is bursting at the seams with locals and nearby BBQ park had so much smoke that from a distance I thought it was on fire!

    1. Carol, we did have really summery weather that day. Not "hot", but above +20'C.

  2. The video worked well! Everyone sounds so excited! Love the double decker bus, and I thought they were only in England! I guess I have never seen a real Narcissus!!! So I love the shot.

    1. Ginny, double decker buses are used between Borås and Gothenburg - a lot of people commute daily. I've never been on one of those myself though.

  3. The recorded footage worked fine for me, looks like a fun event and look like you had perfect weather there too

    1. Amy, yes, "for once" the weather was actually in sync with the spring celebration!

  4. You did a great job with the video from so far away and that was a fast moivng parade. made for a nice outing to give life a little spice

    1. Thanks Sandra. I've not practiced shooting videos with the phone much but in this case it seemed a better way of conveying the atmosphere - also including the sounds and the movement!

  5. They had a good day for their parades this year, and you for your walk. I guess you still wore warmer clothes than some of the summerly outfits of the people in the picture.
    Here, we had 25C on the 30th and 28C yesterday - down to 17 or so today.

    1. Meike, the temperature here was up well over 20'C too, and no wind either on the 30th. You're right in assuming I did not go out bare-armed and bare-legged, though... ;-) But certainly no need for winter clothes. (I wore long trousers + my denim jacket)

  6. What a lovely thing for you to share with us! May I say you live in a lovely part of the world! I would have wanted to remain in that park for the rest of the day! Couldn't help but think of our mutual friend, John Edwards and how much he would have liked your video. x

    1. Thanks Kay. I think we both miss John a lot! (I keep thinking he'd like this or that postcard, and have to remind myself I can't send it to him...)


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