
Thursday 6 June 2024

6th June - Sweden's National Day


National Anthem of Sweden

I have blogged about Sweden's national day before. If you want to refresh your memory about its history, and see photos from a sunny public celebration, you can have a peek at last year's post. This year, after a whole month of early summer in May, the weather now seems to realise it made a mistake, and is trying to make up for it by going back to temperatures around 12-15'C (~57'F), with dark clouds, winds and unpredictable rain showers. 

I did manage a short walk in the mid afternoon without getting wet, but decided to keep it to my usual turn around the nearby cemetery - just out of sight to the right in the photo below - rather than continuing downtown to the park.

The rest of the day I've "celebrated" very quietly at home in the company of Barbie and Skipper. I recently bought them a Swedish flag to celebrate summer. (I got it on a whim at the supermarket. Back home, I discovered that the label underneath says Made in China. So much for patriotism...)

Barbie and Skipper both wearing clothes sewn by my mum back in the 1960s. Skipper's trousers are made from the same fabric as Barbie's blouse.


  1. Your Mom was a wonderful seamstress. I love their new little flag! Thos balconies on the tallest building would scare me to death to walk out on one! Is that what yours looks like?

    1. Ginny, that tower is the tallest building in our city (I think 20 stories) and fairly new. (Maybe 10 years by now). I live on the 2nd floor in a 3-stories building from the 1940s. Not really comparable... ;)

  2. Barbie and Skipper are certainly ready for summer, and celebrate Sweden's National Day with you.
    We've been having very unsettled weather lately, but yesterday was a beautiful day, and I used it well by meeting my Mum and her friend for "Wine after Work" by the lake.

    1. Meike, it looks like we're in for a much cooler and unstable period here now.

  3. Happy National Day! Barbie and Skipper look very smartly dressed and ready to celebrate. How annoying that the weather has decided to take a turn for the worst.
    Looking at your first photo it seems that we have equally high apartment blocks with tiny balconies! The sad thing is that ours have very little greenery around the buildings. The motto seems to be "why plant trees when you can cram in another dozen apartments"!
    Most things these days originate in China! We have several large warehouse size stores run by Chinese and selling pretty well every essential, apart from food and medicines.

    1. Thanks Carol. Those are the two highest apartment blocks here so far. I can see the top of the tallest "tower" from home, rising above the treetops. I know at least one more highrise apartment building in the city centre is in the plans, but seems like it's been put on hold for a while.

  4. our tallest buildings are now 12 stories, they were all 8 and 6.. just changed it this past year. love this view that I have not seen before... yet another view of your lovely city

    1. Thanks Sandra. That photo is actually a view I don't see often myself as usually I'm walking within the cemetery, but for a change this time I was walking along the outside and seeing both those two tall buildings at the same time. So that's why I snapped the photo.

  5. I wonder if they have little plastic flags in Chinese homes that are labelled "Made in Sweden"?

    1. YP, the Chinese Swedish flag in my photo is actually made of wood, not plastic. (Whether Swedish wood or Chinese wood the label does not tell.) If there are plastic Chinese flags in China labelled Made in Sweden I'd be sceptic as to the truth in that statement - but who knows!

  6. Happy National Day. Your little friends are so cute in their outfits made by your mom and the right sized Swedish flag, even if it is made in China.

    1. Thanks Terra. I don't buy a lot of ornaments but I've been thinking before that maybe I should have a little flag like that for various festive occasions.

  7. Lovely to hear your anthem. And Skipper and Barbie sure can celebrate with you!


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