
Monday 24 June 2024

Artists and Shadows at Work

 Looks like we're in for a week of sunny weather again. I phoned my hairdresser when she opened this morning and asked if she could fit me in for a haircut. She could, so an hour later I was there (in the town centre), and got that done. 

Afterwards, I went for a stroll looking for more new art, connected to this summer's Art Biennial. 

At the hotel near the newly renovated footbridge over the river, I found two artists at work on a new mural. 

I'm intrigued about all the blue dots and lines on the background. Hard to tell yet if they're just markers or will remain visible after the mural is finished. 

I was also fascinated by the shadows cast by the machines and artists at work.


Having watched these guys for a while, I walked on to make more discoveries; but I'll save those for another post. I will of course also be returning to this wall. (And hope to be able to add more details about the artist(s) when it's finished.)


  1. That is going to be one giant mural! Can't wait to see what it will be!

  2. yay, a new mural. can't wait to see it, the leaves mean I will probably love it.. it will be interesting to see how long it takes to paint a building that big. glad you could get in. my hair needs cutting, I look like a shaggy dog.. Bob is still doing it but it is a real struggle for him..

  3. The leaves are lovely. I can already tell they are so talented! After enlarging the photos and looking really closely, I think the blue marks are markers, and will not show when they are done.

  4. Great start on the new mural. I hope you can stop by again and give progress reports!

  5. Like Ginny, I think the blue marks are markers, they look like tape and will probably be removed when the mural is finished.
    I am looking forward to seeing the whole picture, but it is also great to see the "making of".
    Same here about the weather, at least this last part of June is beautiful after almost all of it has been very wet and not all that warm.

  6. Looking closely at the photos I, too, think that those are blue markers. They seem to almost be a code that only the artists can decipher. Fascinating to see it evolve.

  7. Thanks all for your comments. I do agree that the blue marks are probably a sort of code for the artists. From the ground they just looked like a lot of scattered blue dots, so was hard to tell what purpose they served - one never quite knows with Art! ;-) But with the photos enlarged, one sees numbers and letters included. (The interpretation still a complete mystery to me - but hopefully helpful for the artists...)


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