
Tuesday 4 June 2024

Decisions, Decisions...


Woke up feeling better today; and the weather was sunny, but with temps below 20'C rather than above, and less humid. I was able to follow my plan, and went out (before lunch) to go and hand in my vote for the European Parliament election. The nearest place to do that was in a sports hall down by the railway, some ten minutes walk or so from home. I've been there before - not for sports, but for other elections!

The election is on Sunday the 9th, but one advantage of early voting is that there's rarely a queue... (And there wasn't today either.)

I walked there and back kind of in a circle. On the way back I passed the main post office nearby, and then took a shortcut path up to the area where I live.


Buttercups in bloom

A bit "backwards" (as I'd already made my choice), I then spent two whole hours of the afternoon listening to a debate on the radio between all the top candidates (one from each of the eight parties in the Swedish parliament) ...

One thing I'm pretty sure about: I would not last two minutes as a politician myself!



  1. That is a pretty lane in your shortcut path.

    1. Terra, it's very short, but a nice change nevertheless :)

  2. You holding the radio is adorable!!!

  3. The path along the buttercups is very much my kind of walk. Good to have something like that not far from your home, and that the weather was nice for a circular walk to incorporate in your errand.
    Best of all, you're much better again after whatever it was that made you feel unwell!

    1. Meike, that footpath is no more than three minutes long (or so), but a very convenient shortcut. (There are two of them, one on each side of a hill. The other one is steeper and I hesitate to take it when it may be wet or icy.)

  4. That was a nice walk back from casting your vote!

  5. Vote For Monica! Monica will ensure that she claims all of her expenses and never says a word in The European Parliament - thus ensuring that no controversies are stirred. She will happily undertake fact-finding missions in The Bahamas, The Seychelles and Wadworth near Doncaster. Vote for Monica! You Know It Makes Sense!

    1. Incoming text message from Brussels: And that's her two minutes in politics gone... Please control yourself, Mr Pudding. You know full well that votes from Great Brexit do not count anyway.

  6. I love that path and the yellow flowers. if we walked to vote it would be about an hour walk there and hour back.. debates make me crazy.... as far as I can tell all politicians are liars.. we just have to pick which liar will lie to us for the next 4 years.
    I love to go with you when you walk, and I don't even have to fly or float

    1. Thanks Sandra. As they do want everyone to vote, they do also try to make it possible to do so not too far from where one lives. And if one has difficulties anyway there are also various possibilities to get help.

  7. I wouldn't want to be one either. It's just a shame that they all seem to be the same and not much good at their jobs.

    1. Amy, those trying to just be honest and do their best for "everyone" certainly have tough job!


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