
Monday 17 June 2024

Monday Shopping Spree

As today seemed likely to be neither rainy nor too hot, I decided on a trip "across town" to the vast shopping area there in the afternoon. This still involves quite a bit of walking. (15 minutes to where I can get on the bus, and the same on the way back; and also more walking at the other end of the bus route to get to the shops that I wanted to visit.) I had too much else on my mind to stop and take photos; but I did find what I set out to buy (+ more...)

One item on my list was a small(ish) radio that can be used with batteries as well as connected to a wall socket. The old one that I had (usually sitting on the desk in my study) recently gave up on me.  I had found one online, but wanted to see it (and hear it) before buying, so went that store first. They had a demo ex up, which worked well enough. (And the one I bought also worked to my satisfaction when I got home.) (It can also be connected as speaker to for example a portable CD-player. I've not tried that yet but I'm thinking it might come in handy if I want to re-listen to some CD audio books I bought before the days of streaming and downloading...)

Next, I went to my favourite clothes shop - and found them to be celebrating the start of the school holidays with 20% off everything. A pair of jeans was on my list since back in spring, when I failed to find any that fit me in the two different shops in the city centre that I tried. (I then bought a pair of thinner wide trousers instead, which actually proved a better  choice just then, as the whole month of May turned out too hot for jeans anyway...) Now I found a stretchy pair that fit my current body shape rather perfectly - and it was even the first pair that I decided to try on, which somewhat restored my self-confidence...

For warmer days, I also found a wide cobolt blue tunic (with pockets) to wear with leggings; and a loose fit sleeveless summer dress.

My last stop was at a store that (among other stuff) sells garden furniture and such. There I bought a kind of privacy screen for one end of my balcony. I'll take a photo of that when I get it in place - if it works out as I hope! ;)

That was as much as I managed to carry, so then I took the next bus back...


  1. I don't know how you carried this all! You must have brought a shopping bag with you. It is always a good idea to have a battery-run radio, in case the power goes out. Cell phones are alright for that, but their charge does not last near as long. I love the blue tunic, and the dress!! About time you did some fun shopping!

    1. Ginny, the radio fit into my small, very light backpack. The clothes I put in a carrier bag made of similar light material. (I always bring some empty thin fabric or plastic bags with me when I intend to go shopping.) The "screen" is kind of a foldable trellis, not really heavy, and came in a plastic wrapping. I was able to carry that with one hand and the bag with the other. 5+15 minutes of that was doable, and the bus was far from crowded.

  2. Great catches! Can't wait to see the screen in action! And the blue blouse has pockets! Yay!

  3. You found a lot of goodies to buy, I like the dress and its pretty pattern of leaves. Do you have one of those little folding carts for shopping? Or did you manage to carry it all to the bus and then home?

    1. Terra, I do own an old shopping bag on wheels but don't use it much as I don't usually find it helpful. (Painful vibrations up my hands from dragging it, plus difficult to handle on/off the bus.) Since 10 years I do the bulk of my shopping online with home delivery every fortnight. For minor errands I prefer a rucksack + maybe one extra bag - and not buying more than I can manage. On this occasion I decided I could also manage the "screen" thing I bought for the distance that I needed to carry it (cf my reply to Ginny).

  4. Good finds, and how lucky that you found the clothes shop had 20 % off on everything!
    You know that, like you, I have to carry everything myself, and can relate to your stopping to shop because you couldn't carry any more.
    I like the simple yet elegant look of the radio, the blue of the tunic and the leafy pattern on the dress.

    1. Thanks Meike. This time I really got everything I had in mind to look for anyway. Probably just as well that I didn't have an extra "carrier" in tow or I might have ended up buying more than I intended! ;-)

  5. That was a very successful shopping trip Monica! Love the radio, the tunic and the dress.
    There are things that I need, but even though I don't have to struggle to carry my purchases or catch a bus, I just haven't got around to shopping for them.

    1. Carol, sometimes one really needs to be in the right mood as well, doesn't one!

  6. I do enjoy a productive shopping distractions from a grumpy partner!

    1. JayCee, living alone I'm also used to doing most of my shopping alone (unless I really require help). I rarely just randomly go shopping these days - I usually have a pretty good idea what I'm looking for. I do occasionally go "browsing" when I'm downtown in the city centre, though - just to check out what seems to be the fashion just now.

  7. I am a pocket lover and I like all of your purchases.. I am thinking those calories live in my closet also... I do not like shopping for clothing.. I have to force myself. yay for pants that fit perfectly.. not sure if I would ever shop if I had to walk/ride a bus and walk again...

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'm not a big fan of trying clothes on in stores, and especially not in winter (when there are more layers to peel off and put on again). So I do try to get most that kind of shopping done during the part of year when it's somewhat less bothersome. (Obviously when looking for proper winter clothes one sometimes has to do that in winter, though.)

  8. You made me realise how little I think about the fact that I just use the car all the time. There may come a time when I can't do that so I should appreciate more what I can do now.

    1. Graham, I apply the same kind of thinking when it comes to my ability to walk...!


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