
Thursday 27 June 2024

Mural Progress


A very hot day here today (~ 30'C / 86'F). I went for an "early" walk (around 10 am) down to the park to check on the progress of the big mural (cf my Monday post). Even that early it really felt a bit too hot for me already. The walk back home took longer than the way there because I needed to sit down and rest for a while now and then (whenever I found a bench in the shadow!)... Phew!

I noticed that the artists at work on the mural had now added parasols to their equipment. One of them even had two - just like me, on my balcony back home!

I had brought my separate camera this time so I could zoom them in a bit better.


I was back home again around 11:15. The rest of the day I've stayed in, with fans going, and trying to keep the heat out... Putting in this post late in the evening: 10:40 pm, still 25'C on my balcony, and still not dark, but twilight turning to dusk now. I just noticed my solar lamp turning itself on... I'll go out and sit there for a few minutes to "cool off" before I go to bed.

(Likely to turn to thunder and rain during the night or early morning. Tomorrow will probably be somewhat cooler.)


  1. Great photos of the artists elevated workspace! They are really coming along. Stay cool, my friend.

    1. Thanks Ginny. We did get some rain during the night and today, and now it's cooler again :) (From my point of view, pleasantly so...)

  2. We've been having a very warm week, too, with just under 31C yesterday. Like you, I do what I can to keep the heat out of my flat, which is relatively easy to achieve when it cools off over night but nearly impossible when it doesn't.
    Luckily, my Third Room (where I work when working from home) is facing North and never gets direct sunlight, it is the coolest room of my flat.

    Those big leaves are as amazing close-up as they are from further away!
    The artists need to drink a lot of water in this weather... but where do they go if they have to "go", I wonder?

    1. Meike, as the building where they're painting the mural is a hotel, in this case I don't think that is a problem - nor any other service they might need. (My guess is they probably even have their own rooms there while doing the job. I don't know that for a fact, but it seems logcial!)

  3. Don't think I would want to be stuck up in the air on the side of the building in 30º heat! Even with the parasols it must be uncomfortable. However it looks as though their excellent work isn't suffering and it will be good to see the finished mural. Judging by all the markers still visible on the walls, they have quite a way to go.
    It's over 30º here for most of the day, but thankfully a cool breeze has sprung up in the late afternoon. I have painters working on the outside of the house which is fortunately single storey, so only short ladders needed. Now they've finished painting in the shady areas, they are left with working in the premanently sunny spots, so not surprisingly finishing in the early afternoon and starting around 8 a.m. the next morning.

    1. Carol, I can imagine they need to take several breaks during the day when it's hot. Today has been a bit cooler and more overcast, but on the other hand we've had some rain. I'm not sure how that (rain) affects the job either. It's become evident during this week that this mural is slow work rather than fast - but watching artists at work are also part of the whole art festival experience.

  4. I am thinking the artists would love copies of these photos. they are pretty amazing to me.. I am going to LOVE this mural, all those big leaves. these today are really artsy, great job on the captures.. heat is draining, and even with AC it still is. I just cleaned 2 bathrooms and usually mop the floors but was so hot i just stopped

    1. Sandra, it's no doubt going to look awesome.

  5. Those mural artists make a lively image under their umbrellas, against the bright green of the leaves. They look like Jacks and the Beenstalks. It must be hot work, I imagine that solid wall would hold a lot of heat.

    1. No doubt that's true, Pauline. With a rain front passing yesterday, the weather has now cooled down considerably, though.


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