
Friday 12 July 2024

Dramatic Skies


Monday ~ 8 pm

Monday ~ 9 pm

Wednesday ~ 9:30 pm - after the thunderstorm

Some dramatic skies from this week, captured from my balcony. 

The worst of the weather drama took place in the early afternoon on Wednesday, though - but was not caught by my camera... Thunder, lightning and torrential rain swept in over this area in Sweden and went on for hours. I saw several flashes of lightning from my windows as well, heard the thunder rolling, and watched the rain coming down in buckets... I wasn't going out anyway as I had the laundry room booked for the afternoon. I was a bit worried we might have a power outage, though, so avoided using the lift (elevator) while it was going on. But neither that nor anything else really dramatic happened in my immediate neighbourhood. We must have been temporarily disconnected from the cable internet for a while, though - but I did not realise that until later, when I had to restart my wifi and TV to get those working again. (My phone had mobile data switched on as backup, so there I did not have any problem.)

The local newspaper reported the next day that the thunderstorm was actually at its worst in this area, though. Some people had their cellars flooded, trees fell over roads, and lightning struck a couple of houses, and also dug a deep hole in someone's lawn -  etc. Quite a few trains and buses were also cancelled in advance, as problems were expected.

 Linking to Skywatch Friday


  1. Beautiful skies. Glad you are safe!

  2. Wow. Beautiful, yet dangerous skies. My favorite is the second one!

  3. Drama in the sky, we had some last night. In Florida Dramatic Storms are normal.. yours sounds pretty bad.. like one of our tropical storms. glad nothing was harmed and you got your internet back without know it was gone

    1. Sandra, it was more thunder than "storm" this time. The rain fell pretty much straight down here - just a lot of it all at once...

  4. Spectacular skies, thank you for sharing them!
    We‘ve had a hailstorm yesterday afternoon, with hailstones as big as cherries. It was VERY noisy, and caused a lot of mess and damage. My Mum‘s balcony needs cleaning up, my sister‘s car has hail damage and at the nearby garden center, about a hundred panes of their greenhouses were smashed in.

    1. That does sound rather scary, Meike. I don't think we had any hail here, just a huge amount of rain in a short time.

  5. Give the atrocious weather we've been having I was a little surprised recently by a bulletin saying that parts of Sweden had been having a bad time as well.

    1. Our weather often does usually come either from Britain or from Germany etc... More seldom from the East.


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